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Showing posts from September, 2024

09/28/24 AHHHH There's a Bat in the house!!!!!

 It's been quite the week!   During church on Sunday (at the 9the ward) we got a phone call from our landscaper. I, of course, didn't answer it -- but sent him a text that we were in church. He texted back that he wanted to come tomorrow (Monday) and do our front yard!!!! So exciting!   After Before We were at the 9th ward to see Rysann Clark give her farewell talk. She did awesome!! She is such an amazing young woman. It was fun to be at the 9th ward. We saw so many people!!! Longs. Carnevales. Paxman. Grover. Clarks. Wrights. Woody. Johnsons (2 sets of em!), Telfords.  I know there is many people!!! It was so great! And the Blaser's from our current ward were there too! So that was fun! They had a luncheon afterward and we were able to visit with a ton of people and it was really cool.  After Before We had a really nice dinner at home with our usual crowd - Eldon and Diane, Randy and Kay, Gpa, Aj and us AND three missionaries. As we were cleaning up Diane said..

09/22/24 Week in reverse

 I'm gonna start with today and work backwards this week!  What a Sunday! Grandpa bought the yellow flowers for me for my birthday and LOOK!!!  They still alive! It started with me playing the organ in Sacrament meeting. Then on Tuesday this week Brother Haymore asked us both to speak in Sacrament meeting. That was a lot of Griffin going on! haha After church we went over to our old 9th ward to hear Rysann Clark's farewell. She's headed to a little island by Australia that is French Speaking. Sounds amazing!  In 1/2 hour we are going to go over for a luncheon and then we are schedule to feed the missionaries at 4 p.m. Although they haven't confirmed and they don't have our that might not happen. If not, we'll only have 8 for Sunday dinner! Ugly sticker day I got mine! I got shot! Yesterday Andy did a sleep study overnight at home. Unfortunately, he had to not use his C-Pap to complete the study. Oof.  Poor guys woke up very tired! So he completed hi

09/15/24 Gravestone is ready

  It's been a fun, busy week.  Monday we did our usual Monday Night Pizza - with Eldon&Diane, Grandpa and us over at Pizza Limone. Always yummy.  Tuesday Dad and I went to a sleep doctor appointment. I have been diagnosed with mild apnea while, as we know, he has severe. He's trying to get another CPap machine since his is probably 15 years old or so. He's just starting the process. I'm at the end. (This was probably my last appointment with them.) They said because I am mild I have a couple of choices. 1. Sleep on my side. Always. (get a pillow or something that doesn't allow me to sleep on my back - which is where I have problems.) 2. A mouth guard - somehow opens your mouth and doesn't allow you to snore. 3. Lose 10% of my body weight. And finally - do nothing - but may continue to have some ill effects of sleep apnea.  So...we'll see!  Dad has a sleep test next Friday night where he has to NOT use his CPAP all night. Oy. I might have to sleep in anot

09/08/24 Katie's in Spain!!! Semester abroad.

 Good Morning (or good afternoon to you actually!) Katie! It's 5:42 a.m. here but 1:42 p.m. there in Spain! Katie left on Wednesday morning to do a semester abroad in Spain. She will stay until the day after Thanksgiving. When she returns she will have completed 14 credits of Spanish and have completed a minor in Spanish. Cool, eh?!  We are going to try to write to each other each week, just like when she was on her mission. She started a blog about her Spain experience: It's been a fast week. Monday was Labor Day Holiday - so no work. We played pickleball in the morning around 7 a.m. and then had a fun lunch party about 2 p.m. We decided to do a BBQ because Andy had a ham in the freezer and wanted to make pulled ham.  Milt and LeAnn & Shane and Beth from pickleball along with our usual Monday crowd...Eldon and Diane, Randy and Kay and GPA. We put our pictures on the big screen and had them scrolling through because Milt was really interested