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09/28/24 AHHHH There's a Bat in the house!!!!!

 It's been quite the week!  

During church on Sunday (at the 9the ward) we got a phone call from our landscaper. I, of course, didn't answer it -- but sent him a text that we were in church. He texted back that he wanted to come tomorrow (Monday) and do our front yard!!!! So exciting!  



We were at the 9th ward to see Rysann Clark give her farewell talk. She did awesome!! She is such an amazing young woman. It was fun to be at the 9th ward. We saw so many people!!! Longs. Carnevales. Paxman. Grover. Clarks. Wrights. Woody. Johnsons (2 sets of em!), Telfords.  I know there is many people!!! It was so great! And the Blaser's from our current ward were there too! So that was fun! They had a luncheon afterward and we were able to visit with a ton of people and it was really cool. 



We had a really nice dinner at home with our usual crowd - Eldon and Diane, Randy and Kay, Gpa, Aj and us AND three missionaries. As we were cleaning up Diane said...there's some water by your dishwasher. I shrugged it off and said we probably just splashed big. I dried it and didn't think much more about it. Went back a little while later and it was obvious we had a problem.  But where?!  I looked under the sink...ugh! I have a large bucket with all my supplies in it (turns out this is a very good thing!) It was half full of stinky icky water. Our garbage disposal went ka-poot!  Sigh!

SOO on Monday we got a new front yard AND a new garbage disposal. Andy and I worked together to install the disposal and it took about 1/2 hour before dinner and 1 hour after to complete the project.

But the story doesn't end there! Later in the week Bryce and Marlee came to visit and so we finally had a full load of dishes to clean. Turned on the dishwasher and error codes started popping up. NOOOO.  I was too tired to think about it Friday night. We did some googling and discovered it was actually an easy fix. So Saturday morning Bryce popped out the block that I should have taken out (for people who don't have dishwashers hooked to their disposals. And VOILA!!!! It works! Magical!

The yard is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE it. It took 3 guys from 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. to do it -- but they did fantastic. It is just what I envisioned and maybe even better! I'm so glad I paid to have it done because those guys worked HARD for HOURS!!! Like 30 man hours! 

Landscapers worked so hard!

Tuesday we got together with Ben and Laura and ate at Chili's -- Ben was having his Gall Bladder out Wednesday and they wanted to go out before. We had a nice dinner together and then came back to the house to give Ben a blessing.  Poor Uncle Ben's surgery which was predicted to take 20 minutes to maybe 1 or 2 hours ended up taking 4.5 hours!!! I can't even imagine how worried Aunt Laura was as she waited for him all afternoon!!!! Gpa Griffin went and sat with her. It was supposed to be a same day surgery but they ended up keeping him overnight. His stomach was inflamed so it was extra difficult. All is well though. 

Finks at the parade

Judge Aaron Randall sworn in

Looking at our gym renovation project for work

Talking about the project with the SIRQ team

Wednesday was super busy - we swore in our new judge and had meetings prior to that concerning the old gym renovation. I had to set up refreshments for the reception for the Judge. It was a nice event. 

After work I had YW. We were going to the homecoming parade to watch our YW who were in it. Only 1 YW came to watch the parade with us!  I had invited the Fink's so we went anyway. 3 leaders, 1 YW (Kloee Felshaw) and the Finks. When we got there we found the Stevens and Haymores (the older ones) and sat with them. The parade lasted all of 17 minutes. But let me tell rained candy the WHOLE TIME!  haha.  It pays to be at the beginning of the route with cute kids! haha. They were getting weary from picking up all their candy!

When it was over our YW was lost! (not really!!!) But it was funny because there were 3 adults and we couldn't even keep track of one girl! (She was told she could go hang out with her friends and come find us when it was time to come home). 

Thursday continued the busy-ness -- working on projects at work and the day just flew by. I needed help with my computer and it took until after 5 to get things all figured out. We had a Teton Wealth presentation to attend at the Bundy's Brazilian Steakhouse.  I thought the tine was 6 p.m. but it was 5:30 p.m. Ooops!!! So I hurried over to get Gpa Griffin -- only he wasn't home! He forgot!  He pulled in the driveway 2 minutes after I got there and was surprised to see me.  He ended up not coming!  Randy and Kay went though. I rushed over to get Andy and we somehow were only 2 minutes late for the start time! Whew!

It was a nice deal...they had a lecture that was helpful and then the food was really good. There was a salad bar and then they brought around meat after meat after meat...7 total I think. And just gave you a bite or two of each. We visited with Randy and Kay and another couple Jim and Pat Butler who live in Sun River. They had some interesting fun ties to us all.  They had lived up in West Jordan area. (Where Andy grew up). They served a mission to Pittsburgh (where my parents grew up).  They had some ties to Missouri (I don't remember what they were but that's where Randy and Kay lived). It was an interesting fun meal!

We left there about 8 p.m. and Bryce and Marlee were almost to our house to spend the weekend. Needless to say, we stayed up too late on a work night! (For Andy)

I took the morning off and had a dr appointment at a weight loss clinic. When I had my sleep apnea test they told me I needed to lose 17 lbs (sigh) and since I had a medical diagnosis I could attend the weight loss clinic and it would be covered by insurance. Ammon did a body scan when I got there and then asked a bunch of questions. Then he said I need to only be eating around 1300-1500 calories a day. (I think I do more like 1700-2200 or more per day). He was very confident I could lose the weight and thought that if I even lost just 10 I would be in a good place. He suggested I eat more protein and lots of veggies. He counseled me on building better meals and snacks. He also suggested I weight lift longer each day (40 minutes instead of 20 - 2X per week OR add another day per week). We then telehealth visited a dr in Santaquin. He gave me a prescription for phentermine. They both believe if I will take the medicine and follow the calorie guidelines I should be able to lose the weight in a couple of months, He didn't want me on the medicine more than 90 days, I hope it works!  I took the first pill today (Saturday Sept 28) - just a half pill and I was able to keep my calories to 1500 today. One day at a tine, right?!

Back to Friday - after the clinic I went to the dollar store and picked up some treats for Ben and stopped by and visited for a little while. He showed me his belly with lots of pokes in it and they had written gallbladder across...He laughed and said his dr tattooed him!  They were both in good spirits and it was fun to visit.

I took the morning off (kind of -- I didn't go in to work) but I did field some calls and bring my computer home for any needs. 

I was able to get some projects done around the house and then Friday evening Holly and Erik came and Bryce and Marlee and Mo and we hung out and did puzzles and played with Mo. 

Saturday we played pickleball early and then brought donuts back along with eggs and lil smokies for everybody.  Last time Mo was over she didn't like the pool. This time...she didn't like the pool.  UNTIL...we ignored her and let her play on the side. We all got in and pretty soon she dipped in her toe. And then her other toe. And before long she was in and out and splashing around enjoying it! Go MO!!!!

We played outside for a couple of hours and then went back in for lunch and a nap for Mo. 

Bryce went and visited AJ at work. Marlee took a shower. I cleaned our shower.  Holly and Erik went to his mom's house. Eventually we all met at the DI and shopped around and then to a store called Frenzy. It just sells weird stuff. Like taffy and stuffed animals. 

Bryce and Marlee had come down for his 10 year high school class reunion. So they left around 6 p.m. and we babysat Mo. We played potato head, ate dinner, went to the park, fed the ducks, she went down the slide...a LOT! Gave her a bath (WAAAAAHHHH. - she hated it! - Even with fingerpaint for the wall!!!). She settled down once that was over. We read books and hung out until B&M returned. Holly and Erik were with us and doing a lot of the babysitting.  It was fun! 

So WHEW, that's the week!  I'm exhausted!  (which checks out -- it's past my bedtime!)

Mo made a potato head with 4 eyes AND eye glasses. 
Seems fitting for the granddaughter of an eye doctor!
(Marlee's dad is an eye dr!!!)

And finally, I almost forgot...the bat story!  On Thursday morning Julia came over to lift weights. I left the front door open for her since she was coming right away. Usually she would shut the screen or the big door when she arrives but she didn't.  We got set up and started working out when A BAT FLEW IN THE HOUSE!!!!!  Aaaahhh!!! I immediately hit the ground and tried to figure out how to get rid of the bat.  I thought we should turn off all the lights and help guide him towards the door. 

He was VERY fast and flying in the kitchen, living room, down the hall and the front entry.  Julia was so brave and walked over to the kitchen and shut off the light. We realized my skylights were bright in the laundry room so she also went and shut the door there. We realized the TV was still on so I crawled back and shut the TV off and then crawled over to the front door. (I stayed low the whole time!!! I'm intimidated by bats!!!) Finally, at sone point the bat flew out the front door. I pushed the door shut and we resumed our workout.  Julia was like -- that got our hearts pumping!  HAHA

What a way to start the day!

And now I know Julia is the brave one of us!


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