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09/08/24 Katie's in Spain!!! Semester abroad.

 Good Morning (or good afternoon to you actually!) Katie!

It's 5:42 a.m. here but 1:42 p.m. there in Spain! Katie left on Wednesday morning to do a semester abroad in Spain. She will stay until the day after Thanksgiving. When she returns she will have completed 14 credits of Spanish and have completed a minor in Spanish. Cool, eh?!  We are going to try to write to each other each week, just like when she was on her mission. She started a blog about her Spain experience:

It's been a fast week. Monday was Labor Day Holiday - so no work. We played pickleball in the morning around 7 a.m. and then had a fun lunch party about 2 p.m. We decided to do a BBQ because Andy had a ham in the freezer and wanted to make pulled ham. 

Milt and LeAnn & Shane and Beth from pickleball along with our usual Monday crowd...Eldon and Diane, Randy and Kay and GPA. We put our pictures on the big screen and had them scrolling through because Milt was really interested in seeing our Europe pictures because he went on the same trip last year as us (Rhine River Cruise -- they went Viking, we went Ama Waterways). I don't know that anyone else was too interested so it worked out perfect to just leave it on the TV the whole time. 

It was fun. 

The rest of the week seemed to really go quickly as each day seemed to be here super fast having missed Monday. 

At work - it was a rough week for Washington City Budget as we had the roof fail on our North Main rental. We were quoted $11K and then when the ripped the roof off they found all the under wood rotted so another $7.5K was needed to replace all that. It was my first time picking a color for a roof - so that was fun?! haha  I think I did alright!

In addition to that there was two water main breaks the same day that REALLY flooded some folks down in the fields area. 


It was fun to watch as Katie made her way from Utah to Spain -- it was exciting to get updates. We could see where she was through TX and the next update was 5,500 miles away in Spain!!!

Friday afternoon the YW had a Quail Lake boating day and it was lots of fun. We played from about 3 p.m. - 8 p.m.  Kind of a long activity but it was really fun. Nate and Ambur Bundy brought their fancy boat and their banana float and gave some wild rides. The bishop brought jet skis. There were paddle boards and kayaks and tube floats as well. We had hamburgers, watermelon, chips and donuts (dinner of champions, right?!)  

The bundy green dream machine

The boat in action

If you look closely, this is a very special burger. 
It is a donut burger. There is an oreo-cream filled donut, lettuce, cheese
hamburger on a bun. Oh yeah! Made special for Ambur Bundy!

Shelly, Ambur Bundy & Devry Richins

Some kids on the banana float

Saturday the Fink's came and swam for a little while. 

Theo, Nicole, Paul and Julia

Julia and Paul

Theo playing in the ducky pond

Things are good here!!! We had fun watching Katie go from SLC to TX to Spain. 
She's now 5,500 miles away until the day after Thanksgiving. 

For fun we mapped out Katie's travel plans while she's in Spain. It's super cool. I'm so jealous! She is going to have a blast!


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