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09/15/24 Gravestone is ready


It's been a fun, busy week. 

Monday we did our usual Monday Night Pizza - with Eldon&Diane, Grandpa and us over at Pizza Limone. Always yummy. 

Tuesday Dad and I went to a sleep doctor appointment. I have been diagnosed with mild apnea while, as we know, he has severe. He's trying to get another CPap machine since his is probably 15 years old or so. He's just starting the process. I'm at the end. (This was probably my last appointment with them.)

They said because I am mild I have a couple of choices. 1. Sleep on my side. Always. (get a pillow or something that doesn't allow me to sleep on my back - which is where I have problems.) 2. A mouth guard - somehow opens your mouth and doesn't allow you to snore. 3. Lose 10% of my body weight. And finally - do nothing - but may continue to have some ill effects of sleep apnea. 

So...we'll see!  Dad has a sleep test next Friday night where he has to NOT use his CPAP all night. Oy. I might have to sleep in another room! haha

Tuesday night was my work employee appreciation night - I was in charge of putting it together. We had about 175 employees with family members total come. We had two theaters ready for them with soda and popcorn. It seemed like it was a very successful evening. We watched Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. 

Tuesday and Wednesday I covered the court office while they were at BCI training. Needless to say, super busy couple of days as I did Melissa & Ahyria's job and mine too. 

Wednesday night Ben and Laura invited us to their stake BBQ  at Sand Hollow. We had Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and pot luck - lots of food...lots of people!  Nick and his boys were there. After dinner Jack Jack and I played in the pool - we went down the slide and splashed around for about 1/2 an hour. It was fun!

Friday morning the pool cover guys came and replaced my cover and man does it look SO much better!

Friday night we went and visited our newly finished headstone at the home show. Kinda funny!

Saturday we played pickleball and then spent HOURS taking apart the pool cover housing to clean it out. Apparently it was full of so much mud and yuck. Like so nasty. It took a long time to just get the cover off since the screws were stripped. Sigh. But at the end of the 5 p.m. it was finally all cleaned out and put back together. We swam and went to Culver's (had a gift card from my birthday that we finally used!) and then did my Saturday chores while dad watched BYU. 

All in all a pretty great productive week!


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