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11/03/24 How is it November already?

   Yesterday is the first day I've felt good in a long time! Seriously!  I hope whatever is going on has finally left me. We did our day backwards. Dad slept in and we skipped pickleball. When he got up he had breakfast and then carved a pumpkin which I processed. It took 2 hours! (I had done one Friday night, same...2 hours!!!)  So we have 17 bags of "2 cups" of pumpkin in the freezer. We have 2 more pumpkins but we both feel like we are DONE with the pumpkin thing!! haha

  While he was working on that I made pumpkin pie and chocolate pie (from no pudding!!!).  They both look yummy. We'll know at dinner tonight!

  We've been having the most beautiful sunrises.  While I was doing my weight lifting I had to stop and go take a picture -- it was glowing red through the windows!!!

 We had a quiet Saturday - I did some laundry and yard work -- trimmed up some trees and picked up debris (no more mowing for me!)  

  At 6 p.m. we went to the Signature Pickle Club because they were having a social. We invited Milt, Shane, Beth, Rae and Solo. They all came!  Along with Todd (shane and beth's son) and Milt's wife LeAnn...they mostly watched.  We played for about 2 hours. They had music playing in the background. Our friends Becca and Matt came too - they are snowbirds and we haven't seen them forever. Not sure if they saw the text in the group text I sent out or just happened to be there. But that was a fun addition too! 

  After lots of pickleball games we stopped at the new Baskin Robbins. I've been excited all week to get a $2 cone.  And I got there...and they had chocolate covered stuff in the show case...and I caved! And got a chocolate covered banana with almonds. And dad got a pizza shaped chocolate covered ice cream with brownie inside.  They were $3 each (so totally great prices) but not the cone!  Afterward when I realized how much chocolate there was on my treat (so I only ate about 1/4 of it so I wouldn't be up all night) I was like...Doh!  Shoulda got the cone!  Oh well. Live and learn. The cones are usually $5 so I really messed up! haha. 

  We didn't have dinner before pickleball so we got some rice and chicken at 9 p.m. and then at 9:30 p.m. I went out and finished my yard work.  See...I'm back!  Felt a little tired in the a.m. but full on me by bedtime!

 Friday I was still not feeling great and we both hung out and had a quiet Friday together. About 3 p.m. Dad got a call that he WAS working....earlier in the week they were going to send him to Stansbury Park in Tooele and then cancelled that! So we went to Teriyaki Madness with Gpa. Since I didn't know I was going to be alone all night I had no plans. I tried a couple of people but too late notice. So I went to the DI alone (got books to read my babies over the FaceTime!) and then went to Gpa's house. He needed stuff hauled upstairs - Halloween UP, Thanksgiving down. Then I tried to change his lightbulb but it came out in pieces.  Not good. Of course it's like the highest one in the house! haha.  So he is going to have AJ try when he's around. I still think I need to take the TALL later over for that. 

  After I got him squared away (ish) I came home and slottered Gpa pumpkin (it was the biggest one). I watched the show Reba while I worked. I didn't really feel up to it but I powered through. By the end I was like DONE. Not doing any more pumpkins this year!  Too bad that there is still 3 on the counter!  (I don't mind boiling and bagging them but cutting them up is hard work! In fact...Dad has little cuts and he is ALSO DONE! for this year!)  Backwards right? I only got one little cut, he got like 5!

Fink Family
My Church babies
I forgot to get pix when they 
were at our I had to 
chase them down! haha

Thursday was Halloween...since I hadn't been feeling great all week I hadn't thought of a costume. On Thursday morning, Carla from Cheers was born! At 6:55 a.m. With just 20 minutes to spare! Found the puffy wig of dad's and brainstormed ... who has hair like this?!  It actually came out pretty cute and ended up working out great. We had a potluck at work - I made taco was SO GOOD!!! I love it! In the evening we had about 50 trick-or-treaters -- I stayed dressed up until 8:15 p.m. (The kids started being ones I didn't recognize and I was so tired and done!)  Dad and I watched a show and and he paused it in between each door bell ding! 

Earlier in the week was pretty chill. We opted out of Sunday dinner - wasn't feeling great. So everyone went to Eldon and Diane's for Lasagne without us. Sad!

Carla, Cheers
Monday we met at Slice House. I had my dr appointment with the weight dr -- officially I was down 6 lbs for the month. (On my scale it was actually more like 10...but all good! The scale is moving!)  The dr had prescribed medicine for me - which I took 1/2 dose the first week, full dose the 2nd week and 1/2 dose the 3rd week.  I don't know if it contributed t
o me feeling poorly or not but I stopped the medicine and am, quite frankly, kind of afraid of it!  SO I've been just trying to exercise and eat better on my own and still slowly losing weight so I am not so sure I'll try the medicine again. All it does is help to curb your appetite and speed up your heart. 

Shelly...being Carla from Cheers
Tuesday and Wednesday more blah me. I made my taco soup. I went to the chiropractor again and I think my back/neck are finally "better" again. I don't have to go back unless I feel like I need to. Yeah!

So there ya have it! I ha

Shelly, Chanda St. Peters, Brittany McClellan
Ninfa Gonzales, Tanya Wasden, Tammy Roberts & her baby

ven't had a fever since last Sunday morning and I feel like I'm out of the fog and blah of the past several weeks. I sure hope so! That was SO LAME!  

The floods in Spain looked awful!  I'm glad you weren't affected by them. I hope you will still be able to take your last 3 field trips (looked like they were all in the direction of the flooding!)  

So weirdest photos didn't show up in blogger like they have been...I must have turned off now I gotta go fetch them the old fashion way. If you know what I did wrong tell me!!! 

My Taylorsville

Mo and SpiderDad

Mo and Bee mom

And I just realized it's fast Sunday. Growly belly...shhhh!!!!


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