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Showing posts from July, 2012

07/29/12 Parade, Warby's & packing

Bring in the clowns! 7/29/12 Things are moving at quite the pace on this side of the world! We had the 24th Holiday on Tuesday (no court!!!).  Started early with the parade.  Me and Dallas and the YW dressed as clowns, dad drove the grand Marshall in his mustang, Melva Page, Bryce played in the stake president's band and the girls kazooed with the primary.  So none of us SAW the parade!  Ha.  Hopefully dad will hook you up with a couple of pix though.   Driving the Grand Marshall, oh yeah! I didn't think the parade was going to happen because right before (like 7:30 a.m.) we had a DOWN POUR, thunder lightening storm like no other.  But being Utah, it cleared up and just left us with a very muggy warm morning.  Probably saved us from a real scorcher though! After the parade we walked around the park and got icee and hot dogs while the boys manned the mini putt putt course for the kids.   Another down pour hit c...

07/22/12 Youth Conference

7/22/12 Aaaaahhhhhhhh....made it through a stressful week!   Finally have Youth Conference behind me!  It turned out pretty great!  Had some great firesides, workshops a fun hike, good service project and a nice group of young men and young women.   5 of each.  Everything really came together nicely and went rather smoothly.  We didn't stick tight to a fact no one really knew the schedule 'cept me and I didn't have a watch.  So, we just followed the schedule as it felt natural to do so.  The kids all got along really well and the adults were laid back and cool.  No high pressure stress or anything. We got final acceptance of the offer we made on the new house this week on Thursday morning at lunch time right before we headed up the mountain so that was pretty exciting!  Now we just have to jump through a bunch more hoops and then we should be in our new place this time next month!  WOW!!!  You wi...

07/22/12 Dallas' talk about Camp Helaman

7/22/12 talk Dallas gave in church Camp Helaman Three weeks ago we went to Camp Helaman, which is for priest age young men. It is a mission prep camp. We spent three days up in Cedar Mountain, learning how to be I had the privilege to be one of the zone leaders of our 3 zones in our stake, my duties included leading the morning devotionals for my zone. One morning I was to use quotes from a conference talk and bare my testimony, then the second morning I led my Here is an example of a morning devotional we might have put together. ALMA 26:35 Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all apower, ball wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a cmerciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name. The ...

07/15/12 House SOLD! And picked a new one!!!!

7/15/12 Wow! What week!  I am reverting back to my sleepless nights as I contemplate all that has happened this week!!!  Good thing I can get lots done in the wee hours of the morning! So you know how we were kicking around the idea of selling our house?  Well we finally completed the paperwork and on Monday morning we were fresh out on the market.  We had several appointments Monday and word that a couple offers had come in.  One was kinda low balling it.  The other was full price with us out by Aug 17.  By Wednesday at 5 p.m. we had accepted the offer.  Unfortunately the house we had fallen in love with went under contract Saturday or Monday and so it is not available now. We started really shopping hard and came to find out that most of the "deals" out there are short sales...which means LONG TIME BEFORE YOU GET IN!!!!  Frustrating since we don't have a long time.  We have 33 days to get out as of today.  Maybe less...

07/08/12 Put house up for sale...

7/8/12 Everybody is clamoring about you getting your release date.  It seems like so close, and yet so far!  It's like when you got your call.  It was cool but it seemed like forever away.  It went so fast though.  I am sure this will too! Talked to Sis. Lewis for a couple of minutes you think you'd like to room with Riley at BYU?  His roommates are all getting married.  Of course he's looking for a roommate in Fall but I didn't even know if that was something you'd like or not.  So let me know if I should try to work that out or not.  I guess there is also a basement/garage type apt away from campus at his sisters house that you could possibly rent.  That one would require you driving into campus though.  I was hoping to find you something you could walk to campus everyday from.  I know how hard parking is there.  It's the pits! Busy week behind us again!  4th of July on a Wednesday was kind o...

07/01/12 Fire in New Harmony & baptism of Arriana

7/1/12 Can you believe it's July already?  Where does the time go? Everybody survived the week apart.  I went to Girls Camp Wednesday morning early until Saturday noon time.  Had a great experience.  There was many spiritual talks, lots of fun games, giggly girls, cold nights, hard beds, flushing toilets (yes!), plenty of food and lots of fun.  We took 14 girls and 5 leaders including myself.  One of the leaders wasn't there the whole time but the others were.  It sure it a lot of work to get those all put together and pulled off but I think every girl and leader had a good experience so I guess it was worth it! The boys went to Camp Helaman and also had a spiritual fun experience.  There was a fire in the mountains and their camp had to evacuate at some point but they still had a great time. Dad and the girls stayed home and went to the movies and out to eat and did daddy daughter stuff.  I think the girls like it when we are ...