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07/22/12 Youth Conference


Aaaaahhhhhhhh....made it through a stressful week!  

Finally have Youth Conference behind me!  It turned out pretty great!  Had some great firesides, workshops a fun hike, good service project and a nice group of young men and young women.   5 of each.  Everything really came together nicely and went rather smoothly.  We didn't stick tight to a fact no one really knew the schedule 'cept me and I didn't have a watch.  So, we just followed the schedule as it felt natural to do so.  The kids all got along really well and the adults were laid back and cool.  No high pressure stress or anything.

We got final acceptance of the offer we made on the new house this week on Thursday morning at lunch time right before we headed up the mountain so that was pretty exciting!  Now we just have to jump through a bunch more hoops and then we should be in our new place this time next month!  WOW!!!  You will love it!

Everybody at church keeps saying they can't believe we are going and how much they are going to miss us.  And is AJ going to give his homecoming talk in the old ward on the new ward.  I'm thinking both!  So many people are moving out of our ward it is crazy.  I don't think I can even name all the families that have gone recently but let me tell you there are a TON!  A bunch of the town home people lost home to forecloser/or job loss.  Some just left to get bigger places, like us.  Feel bad for Sister Riley (primary president) and the Bishop who are having to try to fill all the vacancies.  

Dallas brought his friend "Kat" to church today.  He has gotten a little more serious about her than I'd like...she is a non-member who hasn't been to church much at all her whole life.  I think today was her first time in an LDS church.  She said she really enjoyed church and learned a lot.  She came to YW today and Sister Sharp gave a really great lesson about the guidance and value of the scriptures.  I invited KAT to join us for YW on Tuesday (being clowns for the 24th Parade) and to come to church again next week.  We'll see if she starts coming around more and doing those activities with us.  Dallas spoke in church today about Helamen Camp and his desire to serve a mission like his older brother.  He did a great job.  I'll forward his talk to you in a separate email.

As we were looking around the ward today we are kind of sad to be leaving.  We know almost everyone in every single row that comes to church.  Dad commented that it is going to be hard to get to know another ward so well again.  It is true...unless he gets a big calling in which case he will learn very quickly!!!  Dad has a program that gives all the memberships of the people in the new ward and there are a handful of people we know but there are so many more we don't.  But just a couple of years we'll know a TON of people from our stake!

Everybody keeps joking that we better make sure and make it to the airport to pick you up.  I guess Edy Dickie's parents moved while he was on his mission and then somehow missed his pickup time and so noone was at that airport to get him and he didn't know where he lived anymore. Sad!

Well there is so much work to do in the next month -- as things sit right now we should be moving in 26 days.  (We are hoping to make it a little bit quicker to not have to move after school starts).  We should be finding out dates certain next week.  It is hard to imagine how much we can accumulate over 11 years of living!  I have gone through several rooms and started to sift through things.  We've taken 2 vans full of things to the DI so far.  Haven't gotten to the shed yet.  It is pretty full of stuff!

We also want to go to capitol reef the weekend before we move for the family vacation/reunion.  Which means I need to be even more prepared!  

It has been fun talking about the different things we need to get for the house...bed for you for one!  Couches, desk, dressers...

You are lucky to be serving at this time because you will miss all the hard work and come back when it is over!  Brother Campbell missed quite a bit of youth conference due to working each day and then coming up after work.  Both evenings he showed up just as the prayer was being said on dinner and didn't have to help with the preparation.  That is how I envision you!  

So keep focused on the work out there and we'll get all the hard work done here and then you can come and enjoy it when you are finished!

I love you tons and am so thankful for the amazing example you are to your family.  You have really helped me to have a better attitude and to just hunker down and work hard and try not to complain about there being too much to do or whatever.  No matter what I have to do, you are doing more!  I know the boys look up to you and can see what a value the mission has been for your life and they really seem to be striving toward following the example you created.  That is invaluable.  The boys are on their way to mission prep class right now and really excited to be going.  

The church is true!  Love you lots. Mom.


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