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07/15/12 House SOLD! And picked a new one!!!!


Wow! What week!  I am reverting back to my sleepless nights as I contemplate all that has happened this week!!!  Good thing I can get lots done in the wee hours of the morning!
So you know how we were kicking around the idea of selling our house?  Well we finally completed the paperwork and on Monday morning we were fresh out on the market.  We had several appointments Monday and word that a couple offers had come in.  One was kinda low balling it.  The other was full price with us out by Aug 17.  By Wednesday at 5 p.m. we had accepted the offer.  Unfortunately the house we had fallen in love with went under contract Saturday or Monday and so it is not available now.
We started really shopping hard and came to find out that most of the "deals" out there are short sales...which means LONG TIME BEFORE YOU GET IN!!!!  Frustrating since we don't have a long time.  We have 33 days to get out as of today.  Maybe less if they get the papework done correctly and quickly!  Thursday night the weather did not cooperate with us...lightning, rain (first time in like 77 days!!!), wind.  So we stayed home.  Friday Dad and I both worked and then after lunch the girls joined us for a drive around and checked out the houses that were not short sales on the market.  It was a little discouraging.  Everything is pretty pricey and some were very nice but they all had little things that we didn't like.  About the same time we found a home that was AMAZING but I went to the address and it didn't exist.  (It is a "you could have this" ad where they build you a home in 60-90 days).  I figured that was that.  Dad went back over around address and into the model home and started talking to them and asked about buying the model.  The salesman was like, sure you can buy the model.  But the price is the price, no negotiations.  It was about $10k more than the most we wanted to spend but it was right within the range we were looking and SO MUCH NICER than ANYTHING we had seen.  There are a few drawbacks to this home...the back yard is pretty small (we wanted that!...but it backs up to 300 E which is a busy road).  It is the ONLY home in the WHOLE subdivision right now!  No neighbors, no friends for the girls close by.
After driving around and seeing our other options though this house felt more and more right.  It will keep us within our stake (the boys can continue with mission prep class).  We are 1 mile closer to Pine View.  The girls can stay at Washington Elementary (dad's sad about that but the girls couldn't be happier).  It is about the same distance to my work.  And the home is beyond any of my wildest dreams nice!!!!  And supposedly they build 30 or more homes a year so before long we should have lots of new neighbors!
So we put an offer in yesterday and they have until Wednesday at 5 to accept the offer.  The salesman seemed to think they would.  This home has every imaginable upgrade and then some.  It has 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, an office, 2 family rooms, 3 car garage, granite counters, upgraded carpet, a nice fridge, $2700 worth of washer and dryer (already hooked up!!!!)...there is more.  You will not believe it when you see it.
Cristy Peck always says you get missionary blessings when your son is serving the Lord.  If this is a missionary blessing...HOLY SMOKES kid, YOU ROCK!!!
There are still a handful of things that could happen and the whole deal could fall through but it looks very promising right now.

Youth Conference is this week so I'm having split pea brain syndrome as I try to wrap my brain around all that needs to happen with the sale/move and all the details of youth conference while trying to continue to work and do laundry and live life!  Yikes!  We have a great group of boys and girls going.  We had 7 girls 7 boys but today one of my girls backed out (family vacation this week, bummer).  But that is still amazing!!! We had a room full of girls in YW today which makes me so happy!  We have our theme -- Putting on the whole armor of God, fighting your battles with satan.  Something like that.  Some great firesides, activities, workshops planned.  It is all on paper and looks pretty good from this side of things.  I have to go shopping this week for several of the meals.  Girls are doing 2 breakfast and a dinner.  Boys are doing dinner and a lunch.  1st day is bring your own lunch and 3rd day, home by lunch.  So yeah, it's coming together!  We are pretty light on leadership.  They've had so much going on this summer that most people couldn't get off again.  So me and Sister Sharp (7 months prego) are the only ladies.  Bishop is staying the whole time and the YM leaders are going to charge.  Devin Choles, Bro Campbell...not sure who else.  They will have "revolving" leaders.  It is going to be at a cabin in Brian Head and should be really great!

So I'm sure it will be fun to talk to dad and see the pix.  We are still trying to figure out where everyone will go and who will share rooms etc.  

Well wish us luck as we try to stay focused and get everything done over here!  XOXO mom


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