Can you believe it's July already? Where does the time go?
Everybody survived the week apart. I went to Girls Camp Wednesday morning early until Saturday noon time. Had a great experience. There was many spiritual talks, lots of fun games, giggly girls, cold nights, hard beds, flushing toilets (yes!), plenty of food and lots of fun. We took 14 girls and 5 leaders including myself. One of the leaders wasn't there the whole time but the others were. It sure it a lot of work to get those all put together and pulled off but I think every girl and leader had a good experience so I guess it was worth it!
The boys went to Camp Helaman and also had a spiritual fun experience. There was a fire in the mountains and their camp had to evacuate at some point but they still had a great time.
Dad and the girls stayed home and went to the movies and out to eat and did daddy daughter stuff. I think the girls like it when we are gone...!!!!
There was a fire in New Harmony this week and it burned gma and pa's gazebo and back yard and wilted the side of their house but they were blessed and their house did not burn. Too close for comfort though. I haven't talked to them but I hear they are ready to move now! On the bright side they were planning on replacing the floor of the gazebo and having a family party where we all go up and work after they spend lots of $$$ to buy the floor...and now we don't need to do that! We can just have the party!
This is Holly. I miss you and I hope you are having fun on your mission. This week I went to a G.S. cookie party. I played with my friends all the time. I got to go to the movies with Daddy. We watched Brave in 3D. We got popcorn and candy. Lots of candy. Giggle. Mommy and the boys left for camp for 3 and 4 days. It was fun while they were gone because Daddy brought us to a whole bunch of places and we got to eat out all week for dinner. Someone dropped a match at a nearby camp site and the boys had to leave because there was a big fire. We went to the sweet-tooth fairy shop ... but don't tell mommy. I'm not supposed to tell. I got a cupcake and a brownie piece. It was yummy. Giggle. Giggle. We had 2 weeks of swim lessons. They were great. I learned how to do dolphin body and the butterfly and side stroke. There were 6 kids in my class including me and Katie. Love you!!!! Holly
Yesterday Arriana got baptized along with her grandma (her brother got baptized a couple weeks ago). They asked me to speak at her baptism. It was so strange-- I got up in front of the baptismal font (the primary room chairs were turned around) --- and my whole body started shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't even see the paper. I wasn't nervous either. I took one of the tiny primary chairs and said, I'm sorry, but I can't stop shaking and I need to sit down. I then was able to look right into Arriana's and her grandma's eyes and deliver the talk. It went off just fine after that. Arriana has had a pretty difficult life (parents abandoned her, in jail, abused, etc). She has some social issues, (very difficult to spend time with...kind of selfish, kind of needy...hard to explain). The girls tried hard to continue to include her and be nice to her even with her porcupine-ness. After girls camp about 6 of the girls came to her baptism -- I was kind of surprised. I was afraid they'd all be sleeping and not make it. But they came and they sang and it was beautiful. In fact this was the best attended baptism I've seen in a long time. The stake presidency was there, stake YW presidency, YW presidency, bishop, lots of family friends. The whole primary room was packed. I really hope we can make a difference in this YW life because it would be sad to see her go down the same path as her parents.
Last night Dad and I went out to dinner and then drove around and looked at some houses. We found an amazing house that we should be able to afford if we can sell our house for a decent price really close to the middle school. Who knows if we can actually pull off selling our place etc. but it's fun to think about. Katie and Holly are against us moving...they really love Washington Elementary. It is hard to imagine moving for so many reasons...we'll see what happens!
Well I hope that you are doing well and staying healthy. We are planning to go to SL next weekend for Jonny and Demas sealing, so that will be neat but make for another whirlwind week!
Love you lots! Keep up the good works! XOXO mom
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