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07/08/12 Put house up for sale...


Everybody is clamoring about you getting your release date.  It seems like so close, and yet so far!  It's like when you got your call.  It was cool but it seemed like forever away.  It went so fast though.  I am sure this will too!

Talked to Sis. Lewis for a couple of minutes you think you'd like to room with Riley at BYU?  His roommates are all getting married.  Of course he's looking for a roommate in Fall but I didn't even know if that was something you'd like or not.  So let me know if I should try to work that out or not.  I guess there is also a basement/garage type apt away from campus at his sisters house that you could possibly rent.  That one would require you driving into campus though.  I was hoping to find you something you could walk to campus everyday from.  I know how hard parking is there.  It's the pits!

Busy week behind us again!  4th of July on a Wednesday was kind of weird, and tiring! Stayed up and watched the fireworks from skyline drive this year with the radio playing patriotic music in the background.  Pretty cool!  

Hardly have girls camp out of the system and have to get totally geared up for youth conference.  Bro. Campbell and I are in charge, it is on a ward level.  Yikes, never done this before.  So much to do, so little time!  We have a really good outline of what needs to happen but still tons of details to get done.  I am trying to get the tired out of my system and jump in with both feet ready to work on that.  I really think it will be fine and great fun but I know there are lots of little things that need to happen between now and next Thursday morning!

The boys are at mission prep class right now.  They went 2 weeks ago and really liked it and were excited to go again today.  We'll see what great stories they talk about tonight!  

Bryce blessed the sacrament for the first time today and did excellent.  It was so cute to watch him leaning over and asking big brother for last minute advice etc.  

Bryce is going on an ag trip this week just like last year.  His friend Maddi is also planning to go.  He is pretty smitten with Maddi.  He gets a goofy grin every time we say her name.  I don't think she's quite as smitten back but they both seem to like each other.  Bryce is going on his first date this week with her -- to the temple to do baptisms.  They are going on a double or triple date.  Not sure.  With David and his sister and their dates I think.  He is pretty excited.  They are going to eat in the cafeteria at the temple afterward and then go watch some churchy movie at Maddi's house afterward.  Now Bryce just needs to get a job so he can start making car payments and insurance payments and get a phone and have money to date, etc.!!!!  Not sure if Dave Jordan is going to be able to hire him or not.  He's still working through that...nepotism thing.  We'll see.  

Dallas has been applying for another job but so far nothing.  His is a little more difficult to work with since he's in school and working for the city till 3 or 4 everyday but he's hoping for some supplemental income.

We listed the house this week.  We'll see if there is any action on it.  I have mixed emotions on selling this place.  It really is "home" to us and it's almost paid off.  It is kind of small though.  And in need of some repairs before long (just maintenance stuff, carpet, walls etc.)  Interest rates are EXCELLENT right now.  Be nice to let somebody else do the "clean up" and get a house that's all pretty!  The kids are really doing well here and I worry about upsetting the apple cart.  I worry about the new ward and friends and activities situation.  But it could be that we find a really great ward that the kids fit right in!  And it would be nice to live next to the middle school so that activities there would be easier.  (If we got that house dad sent you pix of!)  It is also really close to the high school so that would be easier too.  Anyway, we are just going to see what happens over the next month or two and if we get an offer we'll really have to make some decisions!  

Sister Carlos sent me a short sweet note that said she'd spent time with you recently.  Here it is:

We had all the leaders in for training on the 4th. Elder Griffin was here
and we always enjoy being with him. He is one missionary that always
appreciates the food! We served macaroni salad, potato chips, sloppy joes
and rice krispie cookies. (Rice too.) Anyway, it is hard to believe that
his days are numbered. Time flies by-especially on a mission. We are down
to less than a year and are excited to see our family but lamenting leaving here. President has filled out numerous endorsements and I know he will be
more than happy to do so for Elder Griffin. We will let you know if there
is anything he needs from you. Our oldest son just was hired as a professor
at BYU's school of business. We are so excited for him! Thanks for raising
such a great son. We love him and appreciate him!

Nice, huh?!

Thanks for being a great son!  I love you lots.  Let me know what you need me to do for you!!!! XOXO mom.


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