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08/31/2014 Mr. Ivie and Cliff Jumping for AJ

It's been a busy week here. School is keeping Katie busy with homework most days, Holly just a little. Holly seems to really like Mr. Ivie and it seems like a good fit so far. She brought home her Eagle paperwork and has started working on getting that Eagle award (memorize star spangled banner, constitution, states, presidents, etc). You did that right? Do you remember if your other brothers did too? 

Mr. Ivie said Holly's class is ... challenging. SO they don't get to do as much cool stuff as when you were in there. Plus with a new principal they aren't allowed to play outside as much during class time. Sad. 

Monday night last week while we were chatting with you we went to Dad's friend Dave's house for Pizza and swimming. They live in Little Valley and have a really nice pool. (and home). Their kids are all grown up and live in Chicago so they really seemed to enjoy having people to hang with.  They just moved here after working in Chicago their whole lives so they are looking for friends.  Dad and Dave had to go do an interview for Dad's job so me and the girls hung out with Debbie, Dave's wife, for awhile. It was fun.  A wee bit chilly but fun!

Tuesday brought another major lightening and thunder and rain storm but seems everyone still had sandbags out from last rain, didn't hear of any further flooding problems. I missed most of it because it happened while I was in court. Which didn't get out until almost 8 p.m. 

Wednesday AJ and buddies from BYU came and stayed over on their way to San Diego.  He begged and begged until we finally just said...FINE...and met him at Sand Hollow with sloppy joes and fixins. He couldn't even get there until 7 p.m. so we had not quite 2 hours of day light for cliff jumping and eating. We ate first and then they jumped. Me and Dad and Katie just watched this year.  Fuddy duddy's! I think they had fun.  Then we had boys sleeping all over the living room upstairs.  From what I can tell they are having a great time. Gone to ball game, Jack Johnson concert, beach, temple. I'm sure he'll fill you in.  They should be coming back through today. School starts for BYU Tuesday. 

Thursday was a surprise party for Sister Clark (Chauntelle's mom) at laser mania. So we went over there (just the girls) and played laser tag, 4D movie, glow in the dark golf and bumper cars.  They had some food too. There was quite a few people from church there. 

Friday was girl scouts and then the riley's came and hung with Holly all night while Katie went with Dad.  So far I don't think she's quite getting football or stat taking but she's trying.  

Someone gave me a big bag of pecans which we shelled and made 2 pecan pies. We will try them tonight. We used 2 recipes and Holly made one and Katie the other. Gonna see what we like better. It was kind of fun. Holly's actually looks better (but we overfilled Katie's pie so it's not her fault!)

We also made some fresh salsa to send back with AJ tonight when he comes through. I didn't have enough nor the patience to cook salsa for an hour and bottle it.  SO we'll just be eating this up and giving it out this week. 

I hope that you are doing great and keeping super busy up in Washington.  Really love seeing the pictures on facebook that your friend has been sharing.  It really makes things come alive and seem real to see them. You look so good! 

Were you able to use the cord I sent to plug your camera in to a computer?  I sent an additional card too so you could just mail home your other one if you can't find a computer to read that. 

Do you need anything? We love you and pray for you daily. The girls continue to try to read the book of mormon. You have a good influence on your family.  Dallas seems to be doing great. He is working every day and going to school every afternoon and he can often be found at the kitchen table with his noise silencing headphones on doing homework. He really seems to be making better choices and it makes this mama's heart happy. Thank you for your influence there too.  

You are an amazing kid! I am so thankful for your influence and example for good in our home. And the girls really do miss you thanks to you being such a super brother before you left. 

Keep up the good works! LOVE YOU!!!! Mom


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