I hope you have had a great week up in Spokane!
Things have been the usual here. Monday night pizza. We tried little Caesar's again. Meh. Aunt Laura had said she really like the deep dish but it's just ok to me.
Tuesday after another super long day of court (about 85 cases handled) I went over and got my old job back from the other ward...I'm primary pianist again. That should be good. I've really enjoyed that so far. And Holly has another year of primary so I can keep an eye on her. She sometimes gets a little out spoken so it's nice that I can come behind her and doink her on the head...jk. She's been good but it's good to have me there too!
Wednesday Holly woke up not feeling good (cough going around). I thought she might skip school but she had a talent show that night so she pulled herself together and went. She did a great job. Her and the twins danced to Istambol. They were definitely one of the best if not the best act. I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom either. They had practiced quite a bit, they had costumes. They knew what they were doing. It was good!
Thursday Katie overcame some of her worst fears. She went to the dentist and had her baby fangs removed and got a cavity filled and she was so brave. No tears, no nothing. Just went in there and got it done. Afterward we went to walmart, picked out some birthstone earrings and shot up her ears. Voila. Again, no boo-boo hissy fit just walk in, getter done. WOW! Our lil girl is growing up!
Friday dad and I went out to lunch with gma and gpa to Golden Corral. Haven't been there forever. It was good. Gma and pa seem to finally be getting over their coughs. They lasted forever seems like! We had girl scouts and Katie was awarded the silver scout award and then the kids came over and did their friday night late night. They went to Emma Christenensen's house (the neighbor down the street) and got her dad to buy pizza and they watched a movie. Katie and Emma Dickey hung out and talked for awhile. Dad had games of course (all week, every day!) I scrubbed the grout in the kitchen.
Saturday the girls had their last basketball game of the season and I know Holly lost and I think Katie won. Neither was too concerned about it...they had good treats at the end. Cupcakes for Hol, Donuts for Katie. Haha.
Gracie Scott got baptized last night and then we had a nice evening at home. Got Del Taco and played wheel of fortune and Catan with Dad and the girls. Afterward watched the BYU basketball game and sent everyone to bed.
Church should be interesting today as we find out what's left of our ward...!!! Dad's been busy making tons of phone calls and as far as I know they have pretty much everything called. Primary, YM &YW, Elders, High Priests, Sunday school...all the presidency filled and most of the teachers called for primary etc etc etc. Busy, busy, busy!
When I got called Brother Clark said usually we ask you to start the week after you are called and not talk about your calling. He said this time you are called and get busy on it! Be ready to go on Sunday!
Happiness is a lifestyle
“Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.”
Sometimes we focus so much on the gospel making us happy that when we forget that turning outward to others is a prerequisite to our own happiness. If you want to be happy, you need to stop worrying about your own happiness. Chasing your own happiness and doing things for you in the end will leave you with nothing.
He had a whole article on Happiness. It love it! This is a small excerpt.
I hope you are happy focusing on the gospel and the work that you have to do and not worrying about things here. Everything is good and we love you and miss you and pray for you and are so proud of you.
I hope you have a wonderful week and continue to do great on your mission! Love you!!! Mom.
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