Exciting News...Bryce Taylor got his mission call to Lima Peru and leaves June 2. (He is up at Snow College until toward the end of May so he'll really only have like 2 weeks home and then he turns around and leaves again.) The Taylor mom and dad came and told us yesterday 'cause we are family!!!
Since Bryce is up at school and the call came here they actually opened it, took a picture of it, sent it. Then Bryce read it over the phone to them. (He didn't want to wait 3 months until he comes home again!)
Pretty exciting and scary all at the same time. They don't even get the drop off at the MTC experience. (Or the couple of months knowing the kid is just up the road in Utah, no big thing!) He goes right to Peru and gets busy. AND he took French, not Spanish. So he's got some learning to do!
So if you have his email you'll have to congratulate him. We told his parents to have Bryce write but not sure if he will or not.
Katie had her YW this week --- a progressive dinner. They went from Clark's to Allgood's to Hafen's to Binder's. Pretty cool they all live so close and can accommodate the group.
While she was there dad was doing a game. Holly and I went to the church and I got set apart for my primary job. I got a beautiful blessing by the bishop. I wish I had recorded it or written some of it down but I didn't. Some of the things he said was that I would have the holy ghost with me to help me to touch the children through my music. That I would be able to balance my work and home life and continue to be a good mother. That I would be helpful to the presidency. It was very beautiful.
The bishopric has been setting people apart like 10 a night or something so it's pretty amazing they are still able to give something so personal and beautiful.
Holly had her "maturation" program at school this week. So I got to go over and sit by her while that was going on. The presenter did a really good job. Holly said she already knew everything they said and she wasn't too freaked out by the whole thing. Me too, haha.
Thursday Katie and Dad went to a girls game together and Holly and I stayed home. Seems like there has been a lot of Holly and me time lately! Saturday morning she and I went shopping together and hung out for a couple of hours. (She really doesn't love coupon shopping day!)
Saturday when we got home (around noon) we found Katie and Dad kinda having a "sick day". They both have colds and coughs and were kind of bleh. So Holly joined them (why not?!) and they watched movies and snuggled in on the couch all day.
I worked on a budget with Dallas and McKayla (they are leaning toward getting married this summer...) No official announcement. Yet.
Then I worked on taxes for awhile.
We made potato soup and fresh bread for dinner and then continued a quiet evening hanging out with blankies.
So not much to report here.
I did see a report that there was lots of rain up and down the coast. Are you getting flooded in your area?
I hope you are doing well and enjoying your mission!!! We love you and think of you and pray for you often.
Quote for the week:
Love you! xoxo mom
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