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03/13/11 Girl Scout Cookies & value sandwiches

Another busy week behind us!
The girls and I have been busy selling girl scout cookies.  We sold about 240 boxes (about $850) worth this past weekend.  The girls have been dancing with signs in the hands on Telegraph bringing customers in.  The also went through the soccer fields during games and shouted "girl scout cookies!".   Lucky for us the weather was beautiful.  We are sick of selling cookies though!  Unlucky for us...there is still lots more left.  I think the troop will sell the rest (I hope to be done with booths!)
This week for YW we had new beginnings.  Sister Caldwell put together a cute program where you make a "Value Sandwich".  Every one came to the Heavenly Deli (or something like that).   She assigned a value to each ingredient and our hostess talked about it as we added the item to the sandwich.  Like a cooking show.  There were commercials (little videos by Pres Monson), short talk by Amanda Turner and Brother Baker.  The girls really loved it and it was dang cute.  We had 4 members and 4 non-members.  We were missing our usual 4 members and that's too bad but all it all it was pretty great.
We are getting ready for girls camp and youth conference.  My camp director requested released last week (Sis. Crawford thinks they will move the first week of June) so I had Sister Sharp called in.  She is SO excited!  She will be awesome.  I put in for an assistant and we should have some really neat sisters working on a pretty special program for girls camp.  For youth conference we are planning a pioneer trek and we are working on make aprons and matching bonnets for each of the girls.  We'll start that in 2 weeks.  They are really cute.  I think the girls will like having them.  I have some talented ladies that agreed to bring sewing machines and help teach us how to do it.
Work has been busier than ever.  I swear someone lit a fire under the police department because they are giving out TONS of tickets.  It's crazy.  I ask if they have new quotas and they deny it but I'll tell you what...I'd be careful driving around here!  They are BUSY handing tickets to all.
Dad found a book that talks about the ten A's of a successful life.  Things like attitude...k, can't remember the other A's.  But we are going to read those each night for the next week and talk about them with the kids.  They are really cool.  The first one talked about was thanks for things big and small and being thankful for what you have.  Writing notes. Saying thank you.  Etc.  I think it will be a good little exercise for the kids.  I want to take all 10 words and print them up and post them somewhere...just not sure how or where yet.
Dallas and Bryce went to Sonic and applied for a job yesterday.  They said all the people working there were white.  Wierd, huh?!
Dallas didn't pass the swimming portion of the lifeguard pretest so he isn't going to take the class right now.  Maybe it's best.  He will have to practice quite a bit should he choose to do that.  Dave said he'd hire him but didn't promise many hours.  Said he's been cut back and doesn't have many to give.  So we'll see.  We told Dallas before he could get his license he had to have first months payment and some other stuff.  We are shooting for him getting his DL about the time Bryce gets his permit.  They are growing up!

Oh yea, so with the Tsunami warnings and all were you affected?  We weren't sure if the river by your house would cause you to get "moved" or not.  The mission mama posted that some were relocated for a day but everything was back to normal so we assume you are all good.  Tell us about it!
K, love you lots and so thankful for your good example and hard work.  You're a hard act to follow but it's good...give the boys something high to shoot for!

Love you!!! Mom.


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