Hi AJ!
The kids had spring break this week and so have been toodeling around the house looking for stuff to do. The girls went and stayed at Grandma and pa's house this week for a night. I think they really enjoyed it. They got to go to the happy factory where dad makes toys every week and the each got a little wooden car. Grandma took them to the dollar store and they got "stuff". A water bottle is the only thing I can remember and they've been carrying that around all the time.
The girls have been selling girl scout cookies...wanna buy some girl scout cookies!?! Ha ha. I don't even know how many thousands of dollars worth they've sold so far. I think Rachel said our troop owes about $10,000 for the cookies we pre-sold and are currently working on selling. Wow, that's a lot of cookies. Our troop will end up with about $1200 if we sell all we have. What we don't sell eats into our profits considerably (I think the troop only gets about $.40 per box so $3.10 we have to pay for each one we don't sell...or something crazy like that).
I bought a new sewing machine yesterday and made the girls cute little aprons (experimental project). I'll send you a picture. It is so nice to sew when it actually works. Hopefully I won't kill my machine off too quickly. I keep trying to make the one my mom gave me years ago work (it is an expensive nice model) but it just makes me want to say bad words...So I may have to just wash my hands of it and walk away...
We played ultimate frisbee last week for combind activity and had about 6 girls. It is spring break week so some people were out of town. Others just blew us off, like usual. Oh well. They are missing out.
My friend told me about a game where you put flour in socks and everyone wears black and you throw the socks at people. I'm not sure of the details but it sounds pretty fun.
We are going to New Harmony today to have sandwiches with Ben and Laura and their gang coming too. Hopefully it'll be fun. Jared and family lives in town so it's likely to be pretty crowded.
My boss approached me and asked me to be the assistant treasurer for the city. It's just some extra duties (not even sure there is any extra pay with it at this point). They are working out some details and will let me know if it goes through. Basically I'll have to sign checks and do deposits when the treasurer is gone and 1 week a year they will require the treasurer to take vacation and that week I'll work from his office and Kathy will do my job in my office. It should be good...I was always curious about that job but never wanted to "do" it and give up my court in case I didn't like it. Now if I like it and the treasurer ever leaves I'll know better if that's a direction I want to take. If not, no biggie, right?
Well it's time to run the boys to church and head out the door ourselves shortly after that.
There is a lot of unrest in the world and it is sort of unsettling to think about but I know that things will be ok for us if we continue to try to do what's right. Thank you for your example to our family and your service to the Lord. You are molding yourself into a person that will be able to handle this crazy world we live in! You are a good son and I love you! I'm sending you a big hug and messing your hair right now. I love you!!!! Take care of yourself. Love mom.
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