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04/24/11 Day off!

Hi AJ!
We are going to put the questions in my email this week and Dad's going to help me think of them.
#1:  Did the Easter Bunny come and visit?
#2:  Do they have jelly beans and malted milk and marshmellow eggs and stuff like that there?
#3: Have you had any allergies in the Phillipines?  Do you get stuffy nose or itchy eyes or anything?
#4: Do you have any great dinner appointments that are good food and fun or is the food still stuff that you aren't used to yet?
#5: Does your companion do anything that annoys you other than making rice all the time? (Don't worry, we won't post the answer)
#6: Do you guys do splits with ward members or is that frowned upon now-a-days?
#7: Your mission mama has a picture of a kid drinking soda with a straw out of a plastic bag. Do you see that alot there? She said it was cheaper than buying a cup so lots of kids did it.
#8: Guess you aren't aware of gas prices too much but gas is up to almost $4 per gallon here again.  Does that affect you at all?  (Dallas filled up his first tank and it took $20 one day, waiting for his credit card and the next day we went and it to another $40, OUCH! --  he drives 22 miles per day to school/work)
#9: What do you hear about other areas of your mission.  Are some of the areas really remote and primitive?
Things are good here.  The kids had off Friday and tomorrow so we are working on keeping food on the table and constant entertainment!  Dad took off Friday and I had the afternoon off.  Tomorrow we both plan to work but maybe I can take a long lunch or leave early or something.  We'll see.  We made a list of things for the kids to do tomorrow -- weeding, bug spraying, cleaning the van.  Good times.  The kids are excited! (not)
The week has been busy and about the same as usual.  Katie is getting ready to have her first polynesian dance and she is pretty excited about it.  She had 2 hour practice last week and again this week to get ready.  It will be nice in about 3 weeks or so all the activities will be done and we won't have quite so much running around to do.  (course then summer camps start...!!!)
We played capture the flag last week with stockings filled with flour.  The kids wore dark colors and tried to hit each other with the flour when the crossed into the other guys territory.  They loved it.  Both the boys and the girls.  (And the little kids who came with their parents -- baby condie and bulow both had a blast hitting the stockings on the ground).  We made the peeps in nests too.  We had a great turn out and everybody seemed to have a great time.
Today we are going to Aunt Laura's house for dinner at 4:30.  Gma and pa are out of town for 10 days so we thought we were going to be on our own but Laura invited us over.  That was nice.  We are bringing desserts and a salad.  I think she's having ham and cheese sandwiches or something fairly easy.
It's hard to write a letter when you have "help".  Dallas and Dad were talking and I'm having a hard time concentrating!!!  It's quiet now but I've lost my train of thought!
Oh, one cool thing.  I seem to have my asthma under control.  Dr. Carter gave me a new inhaler awhile back and it's seemed to work miracles.  I haven't had an asthma attack in months.  It is really REALLY expensive ($218 per inhaler - $100 with insurance).  I was not going to take it anymore but I went to the Dr. this week and mentioned that I really liked it and asked if he had another sample.  He didn't but came back with a coupon for 1 free inhaler and $75 off all the others I buy this year.  With insurance that will make them only $25 each.  I also read somewhere that sometimes you can use these inhalers and build up your lung capacity and maybe not have to always use them.  So I'm hopeful!!!
Well not much else new.  Just trying to keep my head above water and get done all the things that need done!!!  Keep praying for more energy!!!
Love you lots and so happy for your good example.  You are an inspiration.  Keep up the good work and know that you are thought of, prayed for and loved!  Mom


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