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05/27/12 Patriarchal Blessing & surgery


Wow this week has been a whirlwind of activity from start to finish!
Dallas had his patriarchal blessing Tuesday night after court at 8:30 p.m. We were at the patriarch's until 10 p.m.  Kinda late for this little one!  The patriarch did an amazing job.  Bryce got his today and he cautioned Bryce not to "compare" blessings and stated that the patriarchs sometimes get too long winded and his would probably be shorter than Dallas' because Dallas' was kind of long...and then he gave Bryce what I think will turn out to be an even LONGER blessing!  They were both very amazing and inspired and wonderful.  It will be neat to receive them and actually read them.  He said he is still working on editing Dallas' and it is not ready for pickup yet.  
We had Holly's Luau on Wednesday and that turned out really cute and fun.  The kids enjoyed making poi balls and necklaces.  They played games.  Dressed Hawaiian, got their pix taken and had a yummy treat.  From all accounts it was a blast!
Thursday Dallas had his surgery.  He received a blessing by Dad before we went over and then we got to the hospital by 9.  By 10:15 he was on his way back for surgery and by about 12:30 we were on our way home.  Dallas has done amazingly well.  He is on percoset and takes pills regularly and is "stoned" as Bryce says...but he has really come through this quite well so far.  So keep your fingers crossed that he continues to do well.  He is grounded from driving until he is off the drugs so he hasn't gone anywhere for a few days now without us!  He attended church but according to Bryce he may have "dozed" off a few times.  Poor thing!
Friday we went out to dinner with Robert and his wife for her birthday to the Anasazi steak house.  Pricey little joint but EXCELLENT food.  Fondue cheese and chocolate and big hunks of meat.  I'm sure dad will fill you in with more details.  Meal took 2 hours!
Saturday we went to Grandparents and did some yard work and enjoyed some hot dogs with them.  Aunt Becky, Aspen and Morgan surprised us and came for a quick trip this weekend to go to Michael Talbot's wedding.  (Turns out they are related to his new bride!)  AND they had arranged to stay at someone's house prior to getting here.  Turns out it was Sister Anderson!  Small world!
So we got to spend the evening with the girls and Becky.  They came back over to our house for breakfast of waffles this morning and then came to sacrament meeting and headed home.
I spoke today.  About you!  I'll send you the talk.  It was missionary sunday and Brother Hardesty and Brother Turner talked about their missionaries too!  Cool, eh?!
AND the Sis. missionaries showed up at church today with the grandma of one of my non members and her grandson. (My young woman was NOT there...gonna have to find out why not!)  Anyway, they said if she can give up smoking she is going to get baptized June 16!  WOW !!!! And Arriana and JD too, maybe!  We'll wait and see what happens but that is pretty happy news!
I had to teach in YW today and then we had ward council and then Bryce's blessing.  Needless to say by naptime today I was TIRED!
Dad's still sawing logs over there!  Gotta wake him up.  Don't want him up all night!
Next week I'm the treasurer all week as Kerry our treasurer heads to Hawaii so another full week awaits.  Tomorrow is memorial day and we are going to the Warby's cabin for a lunch and hike and to check out the cabin for youth conference.  Brother Campbell and family are planning to come too (his wife was sick today so it wasn't for sure!).
Well thanks for supplying us with such great material for my talk today!  I can tell by carefully studying and reading your letters how much you have grown and changed and I am really proud of you!


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