Well tomorrow is shaping up to be busy so I figured I'd write you tonight. You are MUCH better to write to than
to do the pile of laundry behind me that I have to do before bed tonight!
So, what a great, busy week!
Wednesday morning I got up and did my usual spin class. Then I took Bryce for his first Ag Field trip.
Only it was a flop. Poor kid. I dropped him off at the H.S. like we did last year but didn't wait to confirm
rides. He of course didn't have a cell phone. So he goes over to the group he thinks is his only to find out
up. Nobody. So he walks home. Over 2 miles. It was pretty warm and he was TOTALLY bummed.
Maddy was planning to meet him for D.H. and go on the trip too. So we call his teacher and he
apologizes. Guess he woke up sick and called some people and let them know...but not Bryce. And since
it took so long to find out and get home it's too late to catch the bus at Dixie H.S. So he calls Maddy and
she DID make it and doesn't know anybody. Double bogus. They got to do something else instead...not
sure what...cause I went to G.S. Camp with the girlies at 11 a.m. same day.
We went to Pine Valley Mountain. Wow it is nice up there. Cool, beautiful. No cell service so really was cut off
from whole world.
The G.S. had a nice program put together. We did lots of fun activities, hikes, crafts, fire building, tent setting
up, cooking...all the usuals. The girls got to sleep in a tent for the first time ever. Holly "Holly Dolly" slept in a
tent with 9 little girls down on a pad a little ways from us. The girls were ages 5 - 9 I think. Lucky we didn't have
a bunch of crying and carrying on but they did great. The adults slept up at another site 4 in a 4-man tent.
pretty tight squeeze. And Katie "Sunshine" slept next door to us in a 3 man tent with 3 or 4 little 10 year old girls.
Her and her buddy Jessica "Jesse James" both had hacking coughs and kept waking us up the first night. The
second night I dosed them up good with some night time cold meds and they did much better.
They went and went and went and had so much fun. We took the girls on a hike down to the reservoir during
our "resting" time. They loved it. They took off their socks and shoes and tromped around in the shallow water.
They found a birds nest and saw little bird eggs down in the swamp area. They learned new camp songs and
got to make some of their meals.
It really was a cool experience.
We got back Friday before noon and me and dad took a little siesta and then went to movie and a dinner. Stupid
movie but enjoyed gorging myself on popcorn and dr. pepper.
Today we went to St. George outdoor pool with the hydro tube. Jared and Brittney and kids joined us. It
was lots of fun. The boys went down the slide several times and then just played in the pool. Dad even
came (the boys were off doing band stuff so he got stuck with the girls today...he was a little bummed, but
he was a good sport about it.) Dad played basketball with Jared in the pool most of the time. The boys
were off doing a band activity and then were going to go swimming. They didn't know where. Imagine their
surprise when they showed up at the St. G. pool and we are there. It was kind of funny. We were about
done by the time they arrived so no biggie. We took the girls to Red Robin for their book burgers and then
just spent the evening getting ready for Holly's talk tomorrow and cleaning and doing yard work.
Anyway, I have to say, it was sure nice to not work for several days!!! I will probably REALLY regret that
on Monday but have been loving every minute of being off!!!!
Dad starts his new job on Monday, I'm sure he'll tell you all about that. Kind of sad for him to give up his
morning show but I think this new company will take better care of him. It seems like they will. It would
sure be nice to work for someone who appreciates you!!! (And pays you for it too!)
Laundry awaits...better get since I usually turn into a pumpkin by now!
Love you lots and hope everything is going wonderful there! Saw some pix of you on Carlos' website and you
looked healthy and happy!
xoxo mom
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