Just completed another BUSY week. GIRLS CAMP!
We had a really great time. We ended up with 11 girls total from our ward. 12 if you count Jillian (she only came and did a fireside and left). We had 5 non-members and 5 members staying in our camp site and Amanda Turner was a stake youth leader and stayed with the stake.
Laurie Turner was the camp director and she did a great job of lining up workshop and fireside speakers who were all excellent.
Our theme was happily ever after with all the princess type stuff. The final theme was making it to the temple to begin your happily ever after.
We had a lady speak who was raised by a mother and father who did drugs. She was passed back and forth as they would end up in jail. She spent some time being raised by her grandmother. At some point she moved here to Washington and a young 12 year old boy introduced her to the church and got her to come to church and tried to help her. She moved away but kept in contact and through the years she eventually was converted and later married the returned missionary boy. I did not do the story justice but it was pretty cool.
One of our workshops was on etiquette and what is the right and wrong behavior. For example is it ok to wear flip flops to church, chew gum, say freaking...etc. She did a great job and had the kids really discussing topics that are sometimes touchy.
When we arrived at camp I told all the people in our camp site that the were not to wake up Sister Griffin unless they were dying, bleeding or vomitting. So on the first night at 2:30 in the morning I hear..."Sister Griffin...I'm cold." I guess one of them missed the memo! So I got up, took her to the bathroom and put her back to bed in her coat. And told her to NEVER wake me again...nicely!
There was a cool water slide that went down into a freezing cold lake. I got the girls to jump in off the dock to join the polar bear club and then after a slide down stayed in the water for about 40 minutes. I was the only one that did that. Most of them just jumped in and then squeeled and got right back out. A couple girls eventually came in for a little while but really most of them were out as quick as they got in.
Well I have a meeting in 10 minutes, BYC so I gotta run. I love you lots and hope you are doing great.
(I saw a Picture of Elder Weaver on facebook...he made it home. His homecoming talk is today.)
Can't wait to hear about your week. Love you. Mom.
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