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08/05/12 Stay-cation & then on to Capitol Reef & worries

This week has been so busy it is kind of a blur!  Work has been super
busy since we had off last week for 24th.  We had 59 cases that we
handled Tuesday night and court didn't end until 9 p.m.  Ouchy.
That's a wee bit too long even for me!  I am hoping this week will be

much less busy!

Worked hard Wednesday cleaning all of court up and since I ended up
having about 6 extra hours by end of day Wednesday I just took
Thursday off completely.  It felt good!  Dad had some work to do and
Dallas had school so I was able to pack and do a little work around
the house.

We were going to go on Thursday to Capitol Reef for the family
reunion but decided to stay home and clean out dad's closet and a
couple other little projects and have a 1-day "stay-cation" here
instead of spending all the $ on a motel room Thursday night.  We took
the kids to a movie (they got to bring a date) and then went to the
park in the middle of St. George and got to play in the water.  Then
we went to Pizza Hut for dinner and then came home.  I think everybody
enjoyed it. Then we got up and left a little after 9 a.m. for our
actual vacation.  We stopped at Gma and pa's house and dropped off
coolers for them to use since Grandma was in charge and was bringing
all the food.

my tuff guys!
We decided to go up through Richfield and then take a scenic drive
route for just a small portion of our trip.  (Last time we went
through Escalante and Bryce Canyon...quite a bit more scenic and
longer too!).  We enjoyed the pretty drive and arrived in Capitol Reef
early afternoon.  We checked into the Days Inn and the kids swam and
played until everyone else arrived.  Friday evening there was a short
talent show (Dad performed his cowboy poetry) and then we just hung
out with everyone and there were cookies and sodas.

Saturday morning Grandpa was supposed to take everyone for a hike and
we were supposed to meet at 8:30.  The whole family is pretty lame.
Only our family and Maddie Dickie ended up going!  Which was fun.  The
hike was about 2 hours and was very beautiful.  Kind of a steep climb.
Grandma and the girls went on a river walk that ended at the little
shop in Capitol Reef and they had ice cream.  They loved that!  It was
the 75th anniversary of the park this weekend so we got everybody
('cept Dad) a 75th year t-shirt.  They were cute and not too pricey so
it was nice to get a little souvenir.

After our hike we went back to shower and get dressed in our matching
t-shirts (Dallas cowboy patriotic for our family) and then went back
to the park for hoagies and chips.  We played games and hung out most
of the afternoon.  We went for a scenic drive that is new to the park
I guess.  It was nice.  We had sloppy joes for dinner and then they
did a talk about the folks thing where Uncle Don talked about his
parents and then each of the siblings took turns remembering stories
about Gma and pa Bahr.  It was almost like a testimony meeting as some
of the memories were spiritual in nature but some were pretty funny
too and a little irreverent.  Your dad got up and told a story about
staying with gma and Johnny Carson came on with Charo (she is a little
mexican hotty that let's her stuffin' hang out...if you know what I
mean).  Anyway, when she came on the screen gma reached over and said
very loudly, Oh my hell, and covered his 14 year old eyes until Charo
was off the screen.  He shook himself imitating her and got quite the
laugh from the family.  Probably the best laugh of the whole night!

After dinner the kids went back and swam and the adults went out for
ice cream.  It was nice.  Don and Pat, Gma and pa, us and ben and
laura.  Nice group.  Just sat around and talked for an hour.

This morning we got up and had breakfast.  The girls ate with Emma and
the rest of us were in another breakfast room.  It was nice to relax
and eat breakfast with everyone.  We all left about the same time and
met at Grandma and pa's house to unload their car and put everything
away and have lunch together.  We came home and had a nice much needed
nap.  We are now winding down and getting ready for another very busy

We should be closing on the house within 7-10 days and then moving out
24-48 hours after whenever the closing date ends up being.  We have
finished up all the little things we needed to fix ... new screens,
new fans on the roof, replacing roof tiles, new garbage disposal and
fixing the sprinkler that was spraying the house.

I have redone the kitchen table to a nice dark wood color to go with
the house and just finished a dresser too.

We still struggle with Dallas and keeping him on the right path.  He
is a special challenge because he is so dang pleasant and nice to be
around but he is playing with fire with the girlfriend thing.  We have
caught him in a couple of lies and I have to thank the still small
voice whispering in dad's or my ear to advise us to check into what
he's up to.   It is frustrating because he says he wants one thing (a
mission) but continues to make poor choices that will not get him
there if he continues down that path.  I don't know why he feels he
needs to lie to us but he does.  He is still a lousy liar which is
helpful in parenting.  I wish he would just listen to us.

We were talking to the adults last night and mentioned that Dallas was
dating a non-member and she was taking the discussions.  Ben and Laura
were like, oh, hope that works out better for you than it did for us
with Nick and Liz.  They said they kind of went through the same thing
in the beginning and that it all fell apart.  (Obviously!!!)  That
really didn't feel good to hear.  So we tread lightly and hope that we
can keep Dallas on the right path.  He is with the missionaries
tonight helping them for about 3 hours so that is a good thing.

We are going to the visitor center tomorrow night with Kat and she
agreed to get baptized this month after her first discussion earlier
this week.  We still have to get permission from her guardian so it is
by no means a done deal.  We gave her the strength of youth pamphlet
and plan to talk with her and Dallas together about proper behavior
morality speaking.

I keep telling him that I have taught him right from wrong and it's
ultimately up to him what he ends up doing.  I can't be with him 24-7,
ya know!?

Well, pray for your brother and for us too.  I think that's at least a
good start and we'll keep trying to keep him close!

My friend said you might have a hard time not getting to come home to
the home you maybe before we pack up we'll take lots of pix
of everything so you have one last look at the home you remember!  I
think you'll really like the new one and it will be ok though!

Keep working hard and focusing on the work and everything will work
out wonderful for you when you come home!  Promise!  Love you lots.


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