I just barely fo
und this email today! Ha, weird!
The home is coming along I guess...should be moving this week but we still don't know when closing is. Maybe tomorrow?! I can't believe how in the dark they are keeping us. Oh well, I am too busy to worry about it!
We had a "going away party" last night thrown by some friends in the ward. Had swimming and pizza and cookies at the clubhouse at one of the townhomes. It was great. Good crowd but not too big!
Tonight I will work until late (been 9 p.m. the last 2 weeks) and then we have an appointment with the stake presidency (about what we don't know?!) tonight at 8:30 p.m.
Tomorrow I have YW and the kids start school.
Thursday is back to school night and Friday night is the first football game of the season so Andy has been incredibly busy preparing and then of course he will be busy every Friday from now on!
So, yeah. We need to move, but who has time!! Just Kidding. We'll figure it out!
I have been refinishing all the wood -- kitchen table, stools, dresser, shelves and the boys bunk beds to a nice rich dark stain to match our house better. I put the last layer of lacquer on this morning so they should be ready to move any time. We are planning to buy a sectional for our "extra" family room. We have one picked out but didn't want to order it until we know for sure when we'll be in the house!
We sold our washer and dryer and they should be hauled off tomorrow maybe. We sold a little picnic table and our trampoline and some other little things but mostly we've just hauled everything off to D.I. It feels good to clean out.
Although I must say...even with all the removing of items to bare-bones the girls bedroom is still TRASHED!!!!! I have to refrain from going back there because I can't figure out how they do it!?! They have like 6 outfits each, bedding and some barbies. And the room still looks like a bomb went off. Sigh. I may have to surrender. I don't think I can win this battle. If you have any brilliant ideas I am happy for any help with those 2!
Yes, life is chaotic but good here!
Well, today should be a blur so I better get after it! Love you lots and we'll let you know as we find out what's going on!
Love, Shelly
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