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09/14/14 Bank Robbery causes school lockdown


Rainbow behind our house
Another week has gone by and it's been a busy one!  Of course you know that Monday we were in Provo with AJ (I was in BORING conferences all day).  It was fun to see AJ and hang with him a little. I think he enjoyed the one-on-one attention too!  Just like the ol days!

On the way home it rained and rained and rained.  There were a few patches of clearing but when it rained it was really raining!  It rained so much that it washed out a section of I-15 south of Mesquite and a car got washed over a bridge (the people survived but made for some wild and scary video!).  The road to Nevada from Utah was closed for about a week as they spent millions of dollars and rebuilt the section of road.  I guess the hotels in Las Vegas and St. George were probably packed. I heard there were miles of trucks just lined up originally when it happened.  The go-around I guess was a 4 hour detour or something. Then there was some other route but it was only 1 lane and only passenger van or smaller were allowed.  Crazy, anyway!

I think Phoenix AZ got some bad flooding too but I don't know anything about that.

Had a quiet day or two -- court, activity days...the usual.  I had a jury trial scheduled for Thursday but it cancelled.

Then on Thursday, September 11 (Hero day is what the kids are calling it now), about 2:25 I get an email from Principal Gustaveson that the school is on LOCK OUT mode as a precautionary measure due to an "instance" that was occurring out in the community.

Holly jumping in the pool
Then Washington Elementary send a note that several schools are on Lock down or Lock out but don't' call the school. Everything is safe.  Blah blah blah.  

So I am like, ?WHAT?! is going on?!  So I called Dad and we find out there was a bank robbery at zion's bank on River Road.  The robber wore a big white beard and wig so they were calling him Santa. He took 2 hostages (bank employees and one of their vehicles) and fled the scene.  As he headed over toward fossil ridge/millcreek school area he was firing shots at law enforcement (actually hit millcreek school several times, there were bullet casings laying around the school grounds).  He eventually stops and flees on foot (leaving behind his hostages).  

Somehow he makes his way over to Washington Fields area. All the neighborhoods there are on lock down.  There are helicopters flying overhead searching for him.  This continues until about 4:15 when he shoots himself and the stand-off finishes.

Katie didn't get home until after 4:30 p.m.  From what I have heard the neighborhoods were in lockdown until almost 8 p.m. (the really close ones).  Holly was only allowed to be released if she was picked up.  So the hero day made the hero's prove themselves.  They did a great job as no one was injured except the bad guy.

Enjoying the parade!
This weekend has been rather quiet and uneventful for me.  Dad of course worked tons of hours. Katie is going to games with dad now although I think she mostly just watches.  I don't think she has been able to pickup on how to do stats etc yet.  She says she doesn't really understand the game yet. SO she loves to go to PV games and just watch the games.  Her friends like to go and visit so that drives her crazy cause she wants to WATCH the game.  Haha. That girl!

Holly and I went swimming both Friday night and Saturday night.  Katie babysat Sharp's Saturday night and did super great.  She fed them, cleaned up, played with them, pj'd them and Zach even fell asleep in her arms before they got home at 9 p.m.  Super sitter award!

So now we are to Sunday.  We only have 2 more Sunday's of practice before the primary program (we get Sunday off for Ogden temple dedication next week and General Conference in October and then the program is the next week).  SO I'm trying really hard to practice practice practice so I can play the songs good!

Today is Keenan Schwalger's homecoming so I think Dallas and I are going over there...although it's almost 9 and I haven't heard any stirrings up there yet...

Walking home from the parade
I hope your week wasn't QUITE as exciting as ours!  I love you lots. I plan to send off your box tomorrow (sorry I've been so slow.  I couldn't find funyons either.  Hopefully gonna make some cookies today to add to the box).  If you think of anything else let me know right away.  I'll probably deliver it to post office on my way home from work tomorrow and then you should get it by Thursday.

LOVE YOU!!!!  Hope you are doing wonderful!!! Love Mom.


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