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10/09/11 Chocolate cookies, bouncy houses, going through the W


Hey Aj!  How's it going?

It's fast Sunday for us so we are busy making delicious goodies for AFTER CHURCH!!!!

Sam and Nikki are blessing CiCi today and after church invited us to come over for potluck dinner.  We made pretzel jello and some coconut chocolate bar.  I also am making choco-chip pumpkin bread but it will be for later since it won't be done by the time they start the dinner. Ummmmm.....

It's been another pretty good week that flew by!  Yesterday they had a taste of Dixie -- event -- in the park.  I took the girls over and they got to do the bouncy house and make puppets and walk around and play bean bag toss and stuff.  Bryce drove us (only held on to the side of the car a couple of times!!!) .  He will go just about anywhere these days to get to drive.  He's coming along.  MUCH better than when he first started.  I wondered if he had ever watched anybody drive ever.  Haha.  Poor guy has gigantic feet and doesn't have good control over them.  So we sometimes take off a little quicker than he intends I think!!!  Shhh...don't tell him I said that...he's sensitive about teasing about how he drives.

I have been trying to work with Katie to "groom" herself better.  She is still a little girl and wants to not brush her hair or teeth or wear deodorant but she needs all that.  She tried to curl her hair today with rollers and was in tears because she was burning her fingers and couldn't get it to roll correctly.  Aahhh...see how much easier it was to be a boy?  I just shaved your head and you were adorable.

I have had a couple of days off work and it feels SO good.  We had a regional meeting Friday where we went to a class all morning with other clerks and Washington City hosted this year.  So I didn't work Friday.  Monday is Columbus day!  Yeah.  I still have 5 or 6 days to burn this month so I don't plan to work much this next week if I can help it.  We'll see!  Of course the court is really busy so I always pay for it when I take off but I'm enjoying the down time while I have it.

We played kickball Wednesday night for YW and it was really fun.  Way more than I expected.  I was thinking it was going to be lame (I'm not really into sports, ya know?!)  -- but we had a great time.  I took a face plant with the ball at the beginning.  Thank stung for awhile!  Then I tackled one of the girls on the next play (pay it forward!).  Then we settled in and just had fun.  We didn't even know the score but nobody cared (we are such girls!)  There was a handful of guys from the other ward that wanted to play too but we wouldn't let them.  They kept running through and begging but we said, no this is a girls game!

Gma said to tell you they are in Moab this week on an Elder hostel and she loves you but won't be writing this week.  They are doing well and traveling for a 10 day trip. They'll be home Wednesday night.  They of course sent you more $ and love you lots.  So XOXO from Gma and pa G!

Dad is nursing his leg back to health.  He isn't "better" yet but he seems to be on the road to recovery.  I can see improvements.

Bryce is really turning into a super nice kid.  He is constantly surprising me.  He seems to really be trying to be a gentleman and rushes to get my doors and carry my groceries.   He is getting all A's still except for the dreaded Algebra or Geometry or whatever math he is in with Dallas.  They both have B's.  Dallas outscored Bryce on his last test and Bryce was bummed.  Funny!

Dallas is almost done his acne treatment and he is looking so good.  I know he is very happy about it.  Bryce actually started on the stuff this week.  So in 8 months we should have zit free males in our family!  Yo!
Friday Holly called me at work.  I saw the caller ID come up that it was Wash Ele but I couldn't get the phone (on another line) I was a little worried.  Muddy butt?  Holy pants?  vomit? What could be wrong?  I tried to call right back but the line was busy so I made another call and helped another customer.  A little while later she called again and I grabbed the phone and she was like, Mom?  This is Holly.  I made the Dean's list!  I get to walk through the W today!  I guess they forgot to send home the usual note and so all the kids had to call their parents.  Most of the kids were in their Friday wear and not dressed up like they usually get for that. 

Actually she's probably happy she got to wear her jeans and not have to be uncomfy all day long!  Katie is on student council so she was up at the front helping out and smiling happy Holly got her award and then got to go stand up on the stage close to Katie.  They were cute.   Good girls. !!!!

Katie has a boy named Dallas in her class that is a recent transfer student.  She has been kind of "interested" in him since he has the same name as her brother.  She likes to tell us all about "Dallas did this" and "Dallas did that".  It's cute.  Anyway...Dallas had a meltdown this week at school.  He kicked some kid in the stomach on the soccer field.  I guess the kid went and told on him.  After recess the kids went into the classroom and not long later the V.P and another adult came into the class to get Dallas.  I guess he knew what was coming and wasn't interested in complying because he lifted up and threw a desk and a chair.  Mrs. Bundy moved Anni out of the way just in time.  The adults each grabbed one of his arms and carried him out of the classroom.  Katie says she could hear him yelling and carrying on all the way down the hall.  A little too much drama for a 4th grade classroom, eh?  He may have gotten suspended...we'll see.  Katie is kinda bummed. 

Katie is in book club and they are reading HOLES right now.  We read that out loud when you were younger, do you remember?  Katie is already finished.  She blew through that in a big hurry.  LOVED it.  Great book!  

Well everybody is doing well here and after a week of rain (not anything like your rain...but dismal for our area none the less) we are enjoying sunshine and 70 again.  Aaaaahhhh today is perfect!  

Everyone has been asking about you today (we saw lots of people at church and at Steven's house this afternoon.)  They can't believe you have been out almost a year already.  I hope it is flying by for you too!
From your mission pres blog it says Santiago was the worst hit area for the typhoon...were you there during the worst of it or did you come along AFTER it was all over?  Did you have power?  She said many of you were without power for some time...days???  

Anyway hope you are doing well.  Things are good here.  We are just trying to do the right thing day after day...kind a boring but good!  Love you lots!

Katie and Holly bore their testimony's today and Sister Buatte gave them each a CTR ring.  Trumps the old smarties, eh?!  Sister Buatte sure has been actively trying to encourage the girls to do good.  She is a super sweet lady.  She reads your blogs every week and always sends along words of encouragement and love.  
K, love you lots and can't wait to hear what exciting and wonderful experiences you've had this week!!! 

XOXO Mom, Katie and Holly


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