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10/30/11 Happy Halloween!

Mime Katie

So Happy Halloween!

It's been a busy week that has just flown by!  Tomorrow I will be taking a day off work and going to school to do the Halloween Party for Holly's class and making turnovers for Katie's class.  We are going to get dough and thaw it out and let the kids roll it out and fill it with pie filling and make little turnovers.  Should be messy and fun.  The kind of things kids really enjoy.

For Holly's class I only volunteered to do the turnover thing and then the lady who was helping with the rest of the party pulled her kid out of Washington Elementary and put her in George Washington Academy last week and bailed on me at the last minute.  So I get the whole party!   I made a pin the heart on the skeleton game and bingo.  I have a fishing game (with cool prizes) and a bean bag toss along with the turnovers.  Should be fun.  Hopefully we'll have enough grown ups to make it all work.  Dad is coming and there is supposed to be another 2 parents and the teacher there.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Mime Katie and cheerleader Holly
Friday night was the ward Halloween party.  It was a complete success.  There were 15 carnival stations and delicious chili and soups and rolls.  The Elder Quorum did a spook alley.  The YW had 5 stations.  The YM had 5 stations.  There was an Ammon's arm toss, a barge boat race, I don't even know.  Just tons of great fun activities.  And seriously an AMAZING turnout.  Like they had to set up at least 6 extra tables once things got started and people were sitting on the floor and stage too.  Really great.

Give me an "H"!
Went to the rec center last night for their spooktacular.  Note to self:  NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.  Also very well publicized.  Way too much so.  There was a line all the out the front door, around the structure in the middle and all the way up the side walk out to the end by the pool...just to get in the door.  Even once we got in (like 45 minutes later) there were lines for everything.  EVERYTHING.  The girls were very cunning and cut in line and got a cotton candy and after all the waiting we had done I didn't even stop them.  They didn't realize they just butt in front of 200 people.  Sometimes it is nice to be oblivious!  They had dancers doing thriller and bouncy houses and slides, fortune tellers, trick or treating (very limited), crafts and games.  It would have been really cool if only there were about 1800 less people!  (Ok, I don't know many people there really were but it was super crazy busy and felt like 2000 people!)  It would be interesting to see how much $ they collected.  They were charging a $1 each for all non members.  The lady I saw had a huge stack of bills.

Go Holly!

Katie was a mime this year.  She was pretty excited about it. She thought of the idea herself and then we went to D.I. and found her the outfit.  WAY CUTE. are supposed to be QUIET when you are a mime.  She COULDN'T do it.  She tried.  It lasted like 5 minutes.  Oh well.  It was peaceful for a few minutes!
Holly found a cute cheerleader outfit.  Turns out it was the same colors as the college her class is representing at school.  PERFECT.  Miranda Warby also had the same idea so they are kinda almost twinners.  Costumers aren't exactly alike but very similar.

I am going as a Hawaiian to fit in with Holly's class theme.  They are U of Hawaii.

I went to the dr. this week because I keep breaking out in hives randomly and am trying to figure out what is causing it so I can make it stop.  So the dr. ruled out all food allergies.  (On the bright side!)  I was not allergic to any of the 50 items they poked me with.  He said he thought I was allergic to my vitamins or my asthmas medicine.  So I quit both and am going to see if the hives go away with no meds.  On the down side I haven't had an asthma attack in over 1 year because that medicine really worked -- so I'm a little nervous with the weather changing and being off my meds what will happen to my breather.  Oh well.  I will keep you posted.
Getting ready to head out for trick-or-treating!

Oh, exciting news.  Fellicity Olsen set a baptism date of December 7.  It is a Wednesday night so I think we'll do that for our YW activity.  Her little sis is going to be baptized too.  I won't get too excited because it could still fall through...but it's looking REALLY promising!  So, yeah...took a little longer than I thought but I might have my first baptism!  Once we get her dunked I have 5 other non-member girls to work on!  3 of the 5 come to all my Wednesday activities but not to Sunday.  The other 2 don't come out...but I keep hoping they will and inviting them!  They are really sweet girls.  Then I have 3 member girls that haven't been out that I need to work with too.  Lots of work for me!
My cute girls!

Well we are getting ready to head up to our weekly visit with G-ma and pa.  I hope you are doing well and enjoying life!   Time goes so quickly when you are serving the Lord!

Quote of the day:  Joseph Smith: "Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness and keeping all the commandments of God."

It is true...we are truly happy when we do what we should be doing.  God blesses us and even when we go through hard times we have his comfort and love.
So keep up the good work and know that you are loved!

Love you lots.  Mom.


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