Are you feeling better after your bought with the Dengue Fever? I hope so! We figured you were probably all back to yourself at this point!
Dallas has MONO so we were able to think about you while we have been trying to take care of him. His tonsils are HUGE (I may have told you that last week). They may have gone down a little bit but they are seriously still monster tonsils as of yesterday. The DR said MONO is a virus so he just has to get over it. He gave him some steroids to shrink the tonsil (like I said this is about 6 days in on the meds and they aren't really shrunk at this point) and some pain reliever (tylenol with codeine) to help him fight the pain and get some sleep. So far he's still gone to school and "functioned" but he seems tired and not quite himself.
Dave commented that Dallas was kind of being lazy last week and he was surprised -- I told him he had Mono and he was like, OH, well that makes sense. So I told Dallas that if he is feeling sick enough to not work a decent shift he needs to tell his boss and go home, not pretend he's busy or whatever!
Dallas has just 2 more days of school and then several off so I am hoping he can get through that school and then we can keep him doped up all weekend and get him better. They says it takes 4 weeks or more though so that may be optimistic. Not sure how bad a case he has -- cause they say some people never even realized they have it.
I had it in college and it kicked my butt for about 4 or 6 weeks if I remember correctly.
So yesterday I went with the missionaries on a discussion with Fellicity. It was kind of awkward! Fellicity is pretty quiet anyway. I got there before the missionaries and hung out with her and her sister and her Dad for a few minutes. Then the Sisters got there and her Dad took off. (Her mom already had disappeared). They kept asking Fellicity stuff and she would just answer "great" or "uh huh" or whatever. It was almost painful at times! She is getting baptized in 2 weeks I guess (Dec 7) but I still don't know the details. I tried to ask her about putting the mtg together for her and she acted strange so I am backing off. I called her Grandma and told her to let me know how I can help and offered up the YW for whatever and will just wait and see what they want! She acted like she didn't want the YW there at all. Oh well. I am sure it will work out fine. Anyway, I am proud of you for going and doing that every day because it isn't easy!
This last week was Stake Conference and early out for the kid at school so it has been kind of winding down a little. Next week most activities have been cancelled due to Thanksgiving. It will be nice to have a "slow" week! Things pick right back up the next week but we'll have the kids home a lot this week. No piano, achievement days, YW, after school activities. The only thing we do have that I know of is Monday Holly has her first basketball practice. Games start in 2 weeks.
The girls went to my friend's house Friday night while I had presidency meeting. They had a "girls night out" and came back with their hair in rollers and their nails done glittery. They looked really cute Saturday. Hopefully we can send you a pix of them. I rolled their hair again last night so they'll be dolled up for church today. Then we have to give back the rollers Monday. I may go buy some. They are really easy and quick and the girls seem to like them. She put a shower cap over their heads to keep the rollers in and it worked. (I was always frustrated with those in the past cause they'd wake up with curlers all over the bed and "dead" spots on their do!)
We really need to get your Christmas Package sent off in the next day or two. Please give us a list of some fun things you miss...seriously...!!! Also do you need some more shoes? It would be no big deal to include shoes and stuff your presents around the shoes so if you do now is the time to speak up.
Please tell me either way ok. Say yes mama or no mama on the shoes
. Like the good 'ol days!
I feel really good about our YW planning meeting we had this week. It was 2 hours long (kinda long!!!) but we planned the whole 2012 year. We got themes for each month. Activity ideas for almost every week of the year. A challenge for the girls to read the BOM. Plans to attend the temple to kick of the BOM reading. Also a temple trek in the Spring. We are going to try to get our non-attending girls in charge of playing piano and conducting. Have the different groups involved with a thought each meeting and stuff. I am hoping to really see some better turn out this year. It feels good to at least have a plan in place. That's driven me nuts all year. I would tell the ladies I wanted to have a meeting to get everything down for the year and we'd plan like 6 weeks ahead and then they'd have to leave or whatever. This time we just gott'er done! We will of course have to change things around but at least we have some excellent ideas in place! (My BOM thing will either get us some girls baptized or maybe all the non-members will quit coming too cause they won't want to deal with all the religious stuff!!!) I hope not!
Well it's time to get ready for church. We are going to have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner so I need to make some meatballs. Today is BYC but both the YW texted me that they are sick. Dallas is sick. Byron is sick (not sure if he is the Pres of the YM but it seems like he might be -- he has strep). May be just Bishop and me and Bro Campbell!
Love you lots and can't wait to hear from you. Hope you are all better. Being sick is annoying! Love you!!!!!
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