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09/13/15 Labor Day & Regional Conference

Strange day because it was Stake Conference so I'm all messed up on my schedule!  I usually write you in the morning after my walk but today I had to get ready and go to church after my walk!

We had a good regional conference...AJ got the same church as we did, so did everybody down here I guess. Aj was at the Marriott Center where it was broadcast, we were all in our church houses watching. 

Creating a Harry Potter Game
Brother Ballard gave a talk saying that we need to have faith and be dedicated and committed to the church. He said we are more blessed than any other people on all of history -- we are prospering in the land. He warned us to live within our means and not try to keep up with the neighbors. 

We need to maintain good spiritual and physical habits -- make adjustments where necessary. 

Creating a Harry Potter Game
Be need to stay connected to the Lord - pray, fast, study the scriptures, go to the temple, take care of the needy, attend sacrament, keep the Sabbath day holy. 

Lauren and Holly working on Silver Scout Project
We need to ask questions and seek answers - in the right places...not on the internet.  In the scriptures. 

Brother Davies told us to read the book of Mormon to have fuller more complete happy lives. 

Sister Burton told us a story about cleaning the temple.  She said that she felt like it wasn't dirty so why was she wasting her time cleaning it.  She would spend 2 hours dusting and return a clean towel.  Then she realized she was preventing it from ever getting dirty.  Which is what we also need to do with our lives/temples!  What a great visual.

Dad and Mom at the Lake on the Hill in Cedar City
Last Monday was Labor Day -- pretty uneventful day.  In the morning we went for a walk up at the elementary school.  We were going to go to Sullivan but it was lightening and thundering a little so we went up the hill and it was a little better.Then we made pumpkin & chocolate chip pancakes -- they were yummy and the girls ate like boys...seriously -- like 3 and 4 pancakes each.  And they were pretty good sized pancakes!  I thought I was going to have tons of leftovers and there were only 2 left from a double batch!  I took the girls up to the community center to swim and we had Pizza with gma and pa.  (That was the day the van had it's problem I wrote you about). 

The week went rather quickly with volleyball and young women's and such.  Piano was cancelled cause the Wright's had the flu...and we didn't want to share!!!!  So we stayed away all week!

Katie building a castle at the Lake on the Hill in Cedar City
Friday Holly did her Silver Scout project.  They pulled some weeds from the community center and planted some flowers.  We were going to swim but the pool was drained for maintenance this week.  BOOOOOO!  So they put on the splash pads for us and we got the kids pizza, chocolate covered Twinkies (Oh yes, you have to try them. they are amazing!!!); soda, licorices and starburst.  (Sugar em up then send em home!)  Afterward we went to Linda's pool and swam with just the Riley girls -- because I was bummed we didn't get to swim!  

Katie went and did stats for dad so she didn't join us. 

Holly and the Riley girls chilling on the Lake
Saturday we went to the Lake on the Hill in Cedar City -- LOVED IT!  It is just this little man made lake with some sand to hang on.  There are fish in it. We took our tubes and paddled around and played for like an hour and half.  Then we went to Dickies Restaurant for BBQ. It was a fun afternoon.  The fish were even nipping at dad's back trying to eat him.  He didn't think that was too cool.  I thought it was funny though!

Magnificent cone made by Holly for Mom
at Dickie's in Cedar City
So there ya have it.  Wrap up for the week!  Hope your week was great and things are going well with your new comp.  Is the other set of missionaries still the same in your apartment or did one or both of them transfer as well? 

Look forward to hearing from you!!! Love you!!! Mom



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