Monday we went to Dallas and McKayla's new house for dinner.
McKayla made homemade pizza and it was delicious. The girls enjoyed
playing with their dog and we watched the very first episode of the Andy
Griffith show. It was a nice evening.
kept everyone busy as usual with the girls playing volleyball, going to
piano and Holly had activity days. Dad had girls soccer and I had
court. We just plan on not really seeing each other.
Katie had YW and Dad and Holly and I went and played pickleball over at
Green Springs. We played for a little over an hour and it was pretty
fun. Holly does pretty good and seems to enjoy it. We took turns
playing one - on - one while the third person sat out a game.
I took off early in the afternoon to burn up some of my vacation hours
at work (I have 5 days to use or lose by November 6). Dad and I went to
Arby's for lunch and got new tires on the van (again...I swear that van
eats tires...but other than that it's a pretty good little van so can't
really complain too loudly).
Katie had
volleyball Thursday afternoon for church ball. When we got to the game
they split the kids up into teams. The kids had been practicing 3 wards
together all summer but when we got to the game they decided to split
it up differently. So our 9th ward is with 2 other wards than what
we've been practicing with. Katie was really sad about that because she
has a good friend on the other team -- Holly would have been unhappy
too cause she would have lost the twins.). So volleyball wasn't too
fun. We left early so we could get Katie some chocolate and some time
to be happy about the new teams.
Dad had 2 radio games this week -- Thursday and Friday -- so he went to broadcast and we had a girls night.
McKayla joined us and after BBQ dinner we watched a movie AJ has to read
the book for in school -- The secret life of bees. We also spent the
evening making fun goodies to send to you! We made chocolate popcorn,
pumpkin bread, chocolate chip cookies, and kinda zucchini banana bread
only not. It was a nice girls night!
Friday Holly wen to the PVHS game with the twins, Katie had a friend over and I did yard work and Saturday chores.
morning (after being up all night) dad had to cover the marathon.
Katie played in it too! So we had a Marathon morning. I took pictures -
which dad published a couple; Katie played a couple solos and had fun
with the band (and donuts!!!) and Dad got to meet the winners -- who
have each won this marathon 3X now!!! WOW! I took the girls swimming
and we watched conference. Dad and Dallas and Gpa went to conference
together and had gelato ice cream at Harmon's afterward. The girls made
chocolate cake and lasagna for tomorrow.
All in all a nice week. Today we are watching conference all day
and it's our 27th anniversary! Seems impossible, I don't feel that
old! I feel really blessed to have been married to my best friend and I
can't imagine life without him. I hope that all my kids are able to
find someone like that to spend eternity with.
hope you have a great week -- you'll have to fill me in more on your
hospital visit(s) and how you are doing now! Glad you at least had a
smile on your face in the pictures -- Katie thought you were joking but I
could see the bracelet on your wrist so I knew SOMETHING was going
on...but you looked so happy I didn't figure it could be TOO serious!
Love you! Mom
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