December 13, 2015
The girls had their recital last Monday. Lasted about 1.5 hours. There were 12 students and they each played 3 or 4 songs (too much if you ask me!!!) but the girls did great and afterward there were some yummy treats.
Tuesday Holly played a solo at the Fossil Ridge concert on the piano. She is so brave. Taking after Katie. She totally nailed it and was great!
Wednesday the girls played basketball with their church team and Katie had YW. Thursday & Friday they had basketball with their WCCC team. They played a great game Saturday. Katie scored at least 3X and the girls both played great defense (they are both about the same height now which is bigger than like EVERYBODY else so they are good shot blockers!)
Time Out |
Ready for the jump ball |
Whoopsie |
Get your hustle on! |
Playing defense |
Waiting for turn to play again |
Holly opening presents |
Holly's party at the park |
Thursday Marlee came and spent the evening with us. She texted and asked if she could come to dinner -- we were like SURE! I guess her parents had a Christmas Party or something and she would have been all alone if we said no. So she was happy and excited to come! I told her to text us anytime...we always eat dinner. Every night. Never miss! haha. It was pretty quiet. We had BBQ and then played tribond in the living room while we watched sitcoms and sports. She's one of the family now! She just chilled with us. Me and her shared a blankee and she sat with me.
Miranda Warby and Katie spinning on the tire swing |
Holly's 12th birthday was Saturday so we went to Bishop's with Gma and pa and D&McK for breakfast and got the giant cinnamon roll for birthday girl. They sang to her. (She said that was really embarrassing!) but I think she loved it!
After her game Lauren and McKenzie and Miranda Warby and Katie and Holly and I went up to the Highland park. The girls ate 3/4 of a red velvet cake and last year's christmas candy remnants. Then we did a photo shoot where they posed on the playground equipment and made silly faces and stuff. They ran and played together for over an hour. Impromptu birthday party. Think they loved it. They rolled down the hill and ran around like 4 year olds and giggled.
Miranda, Holly, Lauren, Mackenzie and Katie |
Katie has to talk in church today so she's busily working on getting a talk together.
Giggling happy girls! |
We took Holly out to Wendy's for dinner and then to Walmart after the park and Dad getting back from a broadcast and writing up the game. She picked out some fun things for her birthday - doll outfit, treats, body pillow, air pump for her bike. She still is going to get roller blades. They didn't have her size at Walmart. Shopping wasn't so bad but when we got to check out the line lasted about 40 minutes. Again - this happened a couple of weeks ago to us too! AAAAaaaggh! Someone had WIC that they were buying and it took forever to get them through the line.
Dad caught himself a nasty cold and isn't feeling too swell. He broadcast 3 games this weekend and has been busy with posting up all this other stories. It's not a good time for him to get sick! Hopefully he's better soon.
Quote for the week: Do a little more each day then you think you possibly can.
Good quote - it is amazing how much you can get done when you just decide to do it instead of worrying about whether you really can or not! Sometimes we are our own biggest problems in keeping us from excelling.

I hope Moscow is treating you well. Has anyone called you for a dinner invite? My attorney friend called his friend that he went to college with and told him to have you over. I don't know names or anything. You never know if people will really try when you ask them. We gave him your name right before Turkey day and told him to find you!
Only 12 more days till we get to see you on the big screen again!!!! I'm so excited! Any idea what time you might be allowed to call?
Take care and know we love you so much! Praying for your health and happiness and safety and success. Love you! Mom
Who says your too old for the park at 12? |
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