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03/07/16 Salt Lake road trip!

Tabernacle Choir performing March 6, 2016
Been a busy week.  Monday night we celebrated dad's 50th birthday and Randy and Kay Phillips did a slide show about their mission.  Ben and Laura, Us, Jared and Brittney and kids , Wendy and Eddy and kids and Austin and Lindsey and kids were there.  Plus gam and pa and the Phillips.  It was pretty crowded!  The kids did pretty good but they were a little fidgety during the presentation.

Eldon and Andy
Shelly, Holly and Katie at tab choir
Tuesday night was a monster.  Didn't leave work until 9:30 p.m.  We handled over 70 cases from 5-9:30 p.m. 

Wednesday I had my last physical therapy session for my shoulder (yeah!!!!) and a dentist appointment.  Dad and I got out for his first time since the accident and played pickleball.  He did pretty good.  We're trying to take is slow so he doesn't reinjure his knee.

Ray and Suzanne Laurito at the tab choir
Thursday evening Marlee came and watched the girls play their final basketball game of the young women season.  They were in 1st place.  They lost the game so the two teams tied for 1st place.  The other team had a girl that was from the hs team that hadn't been allowed to play all year until now.  If she hadn't been there the girls would have won for sure.  They ended up losing by 6.  

We had a nice visit with Marlee.  We had brats in the oven instead of outdoor bbq cause the weather was a little yucky.  Afterward dad had to work a little so we went upstairs and played ping pong for awhile.  Then Katie and Marlee made a quadruple batch of magic middles.  Yummmmmmm.  The girls aren't going to want to share her with you when you get back. haha. 

Katie got to play in the pep band at school. She thought that was pretty cool!

Eldon and Andy at the tabernacle choir performance
Friday we played pickle ball again.  It's so crazy how warm it is here already.  We were pretty hot after about 40 minutes of playing.  We aren't going to be able to keep playing at 3 in the afternoon much longer!!!

We went to Applebee's on Friday night with Ben and Laura and gam and gpa for Dad's birthday.  It was fun and nice to visit with the grown ups.   Parker Felter got married Friday so we went to the reception for him over at the Dixie Alumi house.  There was tons of people we knew there.  It was nice. We sat and visited with Bro and Sis Lang for awhile.  They do cruises all the time and told us about some of their trips.  We want to do that some day!  The girls hung out at Riley's until after the reception and then dad had to do some work so I went and watched a movie with them.
Holly, Katie, Shelly, Suzanne and Ray
at the Salt Lake temple grounds
(well I slept through a lot of it!!!)

Saturday morning got up early and did laundry and cleaned bathrooms.  Then went to spin class.  Cleaned the chapel.  Had to run to walmart to get Holly cleats.  Mowed the lawn. Watched the girls play soccer.  cleaned the house some more.  Went to Devon Shelley's wedding reception t the WCCC and then about 8 p.m. got in the car and drove up to SLC to Grandpa L's house.  (Jacklin Tracy died -- mom's oldest sister's husband.) So we came up to go to the funeral Monday morning.  So we may not be online when you get on.  Or maybe we will.  Dunno!!!
Shelly and Andy on the SL temple grounds

This morning we got up and went to the tab choir and walked around downtown slc.  It was kind of overcast and cold but it was fun. We drove home down state street and stopped at Grandma Laurito's grave and showed the girls where her mosoleum is.  I have only been there one other time since she died I think.  

Visited mom's mosoleum
We are planning to have a relaxing day at Lauritos and go to Marcus birthday celebration tonight and then eat dinner and go to bed. Nothing too exciting.  But it's nice to be around family.  

We'll go to the funeral tomorrow and then head home.  Don't know if we'll find anything else fun to do or not.  We wanted to go to the Provo temple open house but it ended yesterday. Blah!  

Anyway.  Love you lots!!!!
Mitchell, Benjamin and Adler Squires

Mitchell Moose making a goofy face!

Aaron Dickey, Adler and Kathryn Squires

Shelly and Andy

Andy blowing out the candles - big 50!


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