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03/27/16 Happy Easter!

The weather has been pretty nice this week so we were able to play pickleball Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon after work.  The McAllister's joined us and then on Thursday they introduced us to some other couples and we played with some different people.  The one couple was the best of two married couples and were preparing to play in a tournament Friday.  They were pretty good (too good for me!!) but the other couple we were able to hold our own with.  Dad thinks we could have won on a different day -- probably so.  It was fun to meet new people and play though.

Tuesday was caucus night so the prosecutor wanted to get done early so we had a nice early night (prosecutor left at 6:30 p.m., we were out of there by 7:15 p.m.)  Unfortunately I know that the next two weeks we are going to pay for our easy night as the calendar is stacked high.  Wah!!!  Judge always likes to never get a day/night off, you just get to do it later!  Yup!  

Wednesday dad had a big media day broadcast that he did and so he was super busy all day but was done by early afternoon.  He interviewed coaches and kids about baseball on the TV program.  

Kathy from work cleaned out her strawberry patch and gave me about 25 plants.  I put them all in the back yard in two different areas.  I've never had success with strawberry plants before.  She swears I can do it...if it doesn't work this time I really better give up because there is no excuse!!!!  So far I have one or two plants that look amazing.  A dozen or so more that look Ok.  And a few that are struggling.  Time will tell!

Friday we went to Casa Dona Maria's with gma and gpa.  We had a really nice relaxing lunch and just hung out for awhile and talked.  The girls had soccer practice so we got them after that ended.  Dad had to work and the girls and I went to the Scott's house for a surprise party for Sister Scott.  She is 70!!!!  There were guys serenading her (quartet guys, so it was awesome!!!) and BBQ and salad and cake.  I only knew a couple people which is surprising but it was fun and nice and very well attended.   
Got to look over at our old back yard.  Sad.  They have let the weeds go wild.  There was a tree that kept trying to start little trees that I always trimmed.  They let them all grow so there is random little trees growing everywhere.  The grass was splotchy mess.  There was stuff piled all over the patio so it wouldn't really be a great place to hang out.  A broken tramp in the middle of the sand.  Just sad!!!!  I loved that little paradise back there. 

Yesterday was a pretty mellow Saturday.  Dad mowed and the girls picked up grass.  I edged/blew the clippings.  We made lots of treats -- bunny cake was Holly's creation for Dallas' birthday.  Dipped peanut butter balls.  Magic middles (Dallas' request).  Rolls for dinner tonight.  We went to women's conference while dad went to a game with AJ.

The conference was really good.  The message I got was to stop looking in the mirror (worrying about yourself) and look through the window at others and serve and love them and care for them however you can.  Which is so true -- if you serve others you feel so much better about yourself and you are blessed.  I know that when I take the time to do something nice for someone else I forget my worries and my mind shifts to a happier place. 

Brother Long is one of our new families for dad to home teach.  He hurt himself at work and posted on the internet that he had gone to the insta-care to have it looked out.  Dad felt like he should call him.  So he did.  Bud was so happy to have a call and when asked if there was anything he needed he requested a blessing.  So Dad and I headed over.  Bud admitted that he wanted to have a blessing but was shy to ask.  So it was good that dad felt the inspiration and followed it.  We had a nice visit and hopefully Bud will be better soon. 

While we were out we stopped by the Telford's (another couple dad is to visit -- they are about 85). They are the sweetest couple.  Said they've been married 65 years. WOW!!!!  They are so welcoming and kind.  They were happy to have us even without an appointment and visited with us for quite awhile.  We finally said we needed to go and they were reluctant for us to leave.  They are a pretty healthy happy pair.  

Today is Easter and we get to celebrate Dallas' birthday too!  We will have brown sugar spiral honey baked ham, potatoes, baked beans, rolls and yummy desserts.  Should be good!!!!

Colton Turner got his release date and it was supposed to be May but they moved it to the next transfer and he's coming home Thursday during girls camp in June.  (June 23).  Byron is coming home about 1 week late - like you - and he will be home Wednesday that same week.  Unfortunately Sister Warby is YW president and Sister Turner is asst camp director!  So they will have to go up to camp, settle the girls then come home, greet their missionary.  Spend a day or so and then they plan to go back up and finish girls camp.  Sigh!  At least when I was dropping you off at the MTC you were gone -- they are getting their kid back and then gonna have to leave them!!!!  Bad timing!  I don't know how they'll do mission reports in Sacrament meeting...if they will both do the same day or two different weeks.  

Anyway it's going to be an exciting summer as all your buddies make their way back.  I haven't really heard anything of David and Matthew or even Colton for that matter.  I've been reading all Byron's weekly letters though.  You sure have a nice group of friends. 

Holy Smokes this early church kills me!!! It's already 8:23!!! I gotta run and get everybody up and ready for church!  LOVE YOU !!!!! Mom


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