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10/03/16 Marathon week

10/03/16 Another busy week in the books...actually Marathon week kind of describes our week and the annual event that ended the week!

Sunday evening after choir practice we enjoyed an evening at the Griffin's again with Kay and Randy, Dallas and McK and Bryce.  We had dinner and then watched a conference talk from the previous nights women's broadcast and then sat around and talked.  It is such a nice way to start the week and spend time together. 

Monday Andy and Katie, Bryce and Marlee and Kurt Bevin (Bryce's SUU roommate) and his girl went to Desert Hills HS for the Glenn Miller Band performance.  They LOVED it and had a great time.  Katie smiled the whole time and said there was nowhere she'd rather spend her evening than where she did.  

While they were doing that Holly and I went and played pickleball with Russ and Nancy.  I was seriously shocked at how good she is.  I thought she'd taken a class at school but she said, no, she had only learned the little as we'd taught her and then practiced with Katie and the twins.  She did surprisingly well.  
Tuesday evening Holly had piano lessons and then Katie had volleyball here at PVHS.  Meanwhile I had work until 8:30 p.m. Katie's volleyball team still hasn't won a whole match yet but they are improving every time they are out.  They seem to all have a good attitude about not winning too.  

Wednesday Katie had practice, then team dinner, then YW, then homework until late. Holly had YW too.  It's the one activity they still do together.  We played pickleball only Russ was out of town so Vicky Butterfield joined us.  It was a lot of fun.  

Thursday Holly had robotics and Katie had another home volleyball game against Cedar.  They won 2/5 games but weren't about to pull off the third game to take the win for the night.  It was a really close 3rd game and they only last by 2, so heartbreaker!!!!  Katie made cookies for her seminary class the following day.  The first batch was flat and burnt and she broke the mixer (it's been on it's way out).  The second batch didn't even get started until after the game around 9 p.m. but they came out good.  Everyone was SO tired and ready to be done but there is always one more thing to do!!!!  She was pleased though and reported her "devotional" at seminary was a real hit and everybody loved her cookies!!!

Friday we went to Culver's with mom and dad and enjoyed milkshakes!! Yummy!!!  Friday evening Andy broadcast a game out in Hurricane, came home stayed up until 5 ish and then had to be back up at the Marathon to cover it at 8:30 a.m. And then worked most of the day off and on publishing stories.  After he finally got done he joined Gpa, Dallas and Bryce and watched conference over at Gpa's building. 

Friday evening we went to trader's and then to the temple.  Katie, Holly, twins, me, Marlee and Bryce.  And when we got there of course Gma and Gpa, Ben and Laura were there also Harvey Homer (a friend from work who started working at Washington City within a couple of months of me) and Nick and Annie.  So that was fun.  Nick baptized Annie and then Bryce baptized the rest of us to make it even more special. He dunked Katie so hard water hit the ceiling!!! He says it was all Katie...I told him he was dunking her too hard!  haha.  

Saturday Katie had to be to the Marathon early to play for 3 hour with the Jazz band.  Dropped her off and came back and did spin class and some cleaning and then went and picked her up with Holly.  We went to DI and Walmart gathering the remainder of stuff we needed for our project we were working on.  Everybody chilled Saturday (cleaning bedrooms and laundry, twins over, Andy working and watching football) and then we hea

Locker Magnets for Katie's team

ded to Gma's house while the boys did conference and worked on our projects.  We had ice cream floats and cinnamon rolls afterward and just hung out for an hour or so. 

Conference is today and it's McKayla's birthday so plans are to have a yummy breakfast and conference and chill in between sessions and then after 2nd session soup and sandwiches over at gma and gpas house. 

Minnie and Mickey pumpkins for the porch
I love them!!!!
The Saturday conference's have been really good.  The message that I took away was that we need to ask Heavenly Father for the things we need and guidance and he will help us.  

The story that sticks out most to me was of a young missionary who had a strong impression he should not go to a hike with the group of missionaries.  (the whole group should not go) However he ignored the prompting after the group protested and insisted they wanted to go.  He told the others of his concern and they all promised to be careful.  Awhile in he fell and was hanging on the edge of a 2000 foot drop off and prayed to heavenly father to please save him.  Almost immediately someone gave him a hand up and rescued him.  

Even though he had just barely ignored Heavenly Father, Heavenly Father didn't ignore him.  We need to be aware of what we are being told and listen to our Father in Heaven.  He wants to bless us. 

I try to always have a prayer in my heart and when I wake up unable to sleep at night I often will pray and thank heavenly father for my blessings or voice my concerns.  I'm trying to be more receptive to the spirit and have the peace that comes with a constant prayer. 

I think the Marathon will continue in this household for awhile longer.  Hopefully we will remember Heavenly Father and it will go smoothly!


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