Sunday March 14, 2018 Sister Bradshaw reached out and let me know of some problems in her trailer park. There were several families that were going through hard times and had recent surgeries or illnesses.

One of the people was her next door neighbor Phyllis Heaton. Phyllis was 96 years old and had a stroke in November. She had deteriorated since that time and wasn't expected to live much longer. I felt an urgency to go see her so on Sunday afternoon Andy and I went out and made some visits. (We don't usually do visits on Sunday, we usually go on Wednesdays for relief society -- but I felt we needed to go right away.)
We were able to visit with Sister Heaton's daughter Paula and Paula's husband Jack. They were very friendly and happy for the visit. While we were there they told us about a surgery Jack had coming up and Sister Heaton heard us and said "NO SURGERY!". We all had a chuckle about that and let her know that there was no surgery for her! That was the only words she spoke the whole visit. Otherwise she was quiet or sleeping the whole time.
Paula and Jack gave us their contact information and we left after a pleasant visit.
Monday evening Paula called and said the hospice care had come by and they didn't think she would make it through the night. I notified the bishopric who immediately went out and visited with the family again and gave Phyllis a blessing.
Tuesday morning at 1:30 a.m. Phyllis returned home to her Heavenly Father.
This situation is a prime example of why you need to act immediately when you receive a prompting from the holy ghost. Had either of us waited we would not have been able to be there in the final days of Phyllis' life. If I had waited until our usual Wednesday visit she would have already been gone and the opportunity would have been missed. Same with the bishopric. If they had waited for a more convenient time or a different day they also would have missed the opportunity to bless her.
It is often not convenient and we often question why we must do whatever we are prompted to do however there is a sweet spirit when you realize you have done good and touched someone else's life and been there right when they needed you most.
I hope that I will be able to be more in tune to the spirit and follow the promptings I receive so that I can bless the lives of others.

One of the people was her next door neighbor Phyllis Heaton. Phyllis was 96 years old and had a stroke in November. She had deteriorated since that time and wasn't expected to live much longer. I felt an urgency to go see her so on Sunday afternoon Andy and I went out and made some visits. (We don't usually do visits on Sunday, we usually go on Wednesdays for relief society -- but I felt we needed to go right away.)
We were able to visit with Sister Heaton's daughter Paula and Paula's husband Jack. They were very friendly and happy for the visit. While we were there they told us about a surgery Jack had coming up and Sister Heaton heard us and said "NO SURGERY!". We all had a chuckle about that and let her know that there was no surgery for her! That was the only words she spoke the whole visit. Otherwise she was quiet or sleeping the whole time.
Paula and Jack gave us their contact information and we left after a pleasant visit.
Monday evening Paula called and said the hospice care had come by and they didn't think she would make it through the night. I notified the bishopric who immediately went out and visited with the family again and gave Phyllis a blessing.
Tuesday morning at 1:30 a.m. Phyllis returned home to her Heavenly Father.
This situation is a prime example of why you need to act immediately when you receive a prompting from the holy ghost. Had either of us waited we would not have been able to be there in the final days of Phyllis' life. If I had waited until our usual Wednesday visit she would have already been gone and the opportunity would have been missed. Same with the bishopric. If they had waited for a more convenient time or a different day they also would have missed the opportunity to bless her.
It is often not convenient and we often question why we must do whatever we are prompted to do however there is a sweet spirit when you realize you have done good and touched someone else's life and been there right when they needed you most.
I hope that I will be able to be more in tune to the spirit and follow the promptings I receive so that I can bless the lives of others.
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