This week was Spring Break and we told the girls we could go wherever they wanted (close by!). We gave them the options of Las Vegas, Brian Head, Holmstead Resort. The girls said they wanted to go to Orem to see their brothers (make a mama's heart melt! how sweet is that?!)

So we headed up to Orem, even though the weather wasn't looking great and it was a longer drive than all the other choices. We got up there Wednesday afternoon. Marlee had class so Bryce came and took the girls home for awhile and they played video games and hung out while he waited for her class to end. Andy and I went swimming and hot tubing. After class we met the kids including AJ and went to 5-Star BBQ for dinner. We went to our favorite shopping place - WINCO - and let the kids choose a treat out of the bulk bins. We came back to the hotel and played the game of sequence.

Thursday we got up took the girls to the aquarium in Murray Utah. It was fun with lots to see and lots of walking. We stayed for a couple of hours and then went to God Father's pizza for lunch. Bryce and Marlee drove up to meet us. We went to south town and walked the mall before heading back to the aquarium to watch a 4D movie and finish the areas we hadn't gone to yet.
We headed back to the hotel and swam and did the hot tub again before going to Wienersnitzel for dinner. We came back to the hotel and played blink and aggravation.
Friday morning we got up and headed home since Katie and Andy have to work Friday night.
Weather was ominous! This is our view from LaQuinta, Orem.
The girls really loved watching the penguins play. |
This is Holly's spirit animal. He chilled most of the time we watched the penguins. |
Until he got up and strutted his stuff for us! This is Indy. |
Indy was even the 5th chick hatched...just like Holly! |
Indy, Holly's spirit animal. |
Found this cool wall in the South Towne mall bathrooms. |
These are some wild chairs. |
Woooooooo! |
Katie was trying to give them a ride but I think they did better on their own. |
Getting ready for our 4D movie. Holly looks miserable...but I swear she wasn't! |
Look closely...there is a snake reaching toward the ceiling. He looks just like the tree! |
This is the animal Dad bought for Katie...this is what she looked like this morning when I woke up. She was sound asleep. |
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