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04/08/18 New Calling!!!

Our Bishop Carnevale was made Stake President on March 4.  It was expected (because he is so great!) but really sad too because he is the best bishop and nobody wanted to share him with the Stake!

Since that time there has been much speculating going on throughout the ward as to who the new bishopric would be. Apparently it takes a little bit of work to get a Bishop approved and with recently getting a new prophet (Russell M. Nelson) too...well you can see how things might take awhile!

Apparently the Stake turned in a name or two which after waiting a week (the prophet prays about new Bishops in the temple on Thursdays) they were told that the person chosen was a good man and a worthy man however their time to serve as Bishop was not yet. They finally got a confirmation and the new Bishop (Clark) was notified and had the task of choosing a counselor.

Rysann shared with us on Sunday that her parent's had spent a LOT of time in their room with the door closed and 5X to the temple this past week!!!

Bishop Clark shared with us that after creating a list and selecting names and taking them to the temple he wanted to confirm that he had chosen correctly.  He asked Heavenly Father to confirm his choices were correct. He decided to go for a walk early in the evening on Sunday and had the good fortune of running into both men on his walk. (Andy Griffin and Ben Rae). He said he was able to look into their eyes (standing on tippy toes to see Andy, haha) and get another confirmation that they were the correct choice.

He turned the names into the Stake President.  During all this time the rumor was out that the Bishop and his counselors already knew who they were. So when we received a call to meet with the Stake President on Sunday April 8 we figured it was any of a bunch of callings going on in the Stake and really didn't have any reason to believe that Andy would be called to be 1st counselor in the bishopric.

Along with that calling President Carnevale spoke to me separately and told me that due to the high demand of Andy's new calling I could expect to be released from Relief Society president within the next few weeks or so.  I have served exactly one year ago today -- April 9, 2017 was our start day.

He also asked if there was any reason that I felt Andy shouldn't serve (he didn't say in what calling) - unworthiness or conduct. If he was a good loving father and husband. I assured him Andy was a wonderful person and would do a great job.

He then invited Andy and President Jackson into the room and they extended the call of 1st counselor to Andy. It was such a surprise. We really thought that calling was already extended.

We called mom and dad Griffin and invited them to come to church along with Dallas and McKayla.  D&M were in Cedar City for a baby blessing and couldn't make it.  Aj was coming back from Mexico but also arrived too late. We didn't tell the girls.  After Andy was called, Katie leaned over to Grandpa Griffin and said, They didn't tell me, I had no idea!!! Haha.  Since there was so little time between finding out and the sacrament meeting we decided not to tell the girls. Funny they didn't even wonder why their grandparents were at church with us!

Poor George Hamer was called at 11 a.m. and asked to give the lesson in gospel doctrine since we knew we wouldn't be there.

After the meeting all the bishopric including Brother Fullmer the executive secretary and Danny Johnson the new stake executive secretary gathered and five blessings and settings apart were performed.

In Andy's blessing, President Jackson performed the blessing.  He blessed Andy with good health and employment that would sustain his family. He was instructed to take care of his wife and children.


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