After our trip to Vegas/Brian Head we got home and settled in for a busy week.
Here's Andy's story:
It finally got me. Yes, I have Covid-19.
No politics here. No shared post from some national nobody. This is me, Andy Griffin. And I just want to share my experience and cut through a lot of the bull being peddled out there.
It started with sniffles and a very mild cough on Monday, Felt like a minor cold, that's all. Went home from work and took a nap. But my usual 30-minute nap lasted 3 hours and I woke up with a sore back, which isn't that unusual for me.
Went to work Tuesday, feeling ok, a few sniffles, sore back, no big deal. Again, a long nap after work and now sore muscles everywhere.
Here's the complicated part. I felt great on Wednesday. I thought my cold was gone. Very minor cough, sore muscles were all but gone. Went to work, although did pass on a few regular activities, mostly normal life. Even played Pickleball with friends Wednesday night (for two hours).
And then Thursday hit. Every muscle in my body ached. Felt like a nasty flu, but definitely started to suspect C19. My job is such that I am in a room by myself most of the day, so I wasn't worried much about spreading it, but definitely starting to worry about my health.
After work Thursday, slept most of the day and after doing some work on my home computer, slept most of the night. Asked my wife if she could arrange a rapid Covid test Friday.
After work (I know, I shouldn't have gone), went straight to the testing site and my test purple-lined almost immediately. Positive.
Yes, I was vaccinated (Johnson and Johnson), but I still got it. Has the vaccine helped me have a more mild strain? Who knows? I am feeling a lot better today. Muscle aches are subsiding, cough and sniffles nearly gone.
Oh, but strangely enough, the infamous loss of taste and smell didn't show up ... until late last night. About two hours after dinner (a spicy mexican dinner of which I could taste just fine!), I decided to have a bite of a bear claw (don't judge!). I could detect a little sweetness, but that was it. Suddenly, I was obsessed with smell/taste testing.
BBQ chips: nothing. Peppermint and cinnamon candy: a little sweet, that's all. Dark chocolate (my fave): a little sweet and creamy, but no chocolate flavor. Pineapple juice: nothing. Gatorade: nothing. Very little taste and absolutely no smell.
Now, after nearly 24 hours of quarantine, I'm already stir crazy and can't even take solace in the great flavors of the world.
I think the biggest thing that has surprised me is how I'm supposed to treat this virus. Everyone I've asked has a different opinion, from Drs. to health gurus to well-meaning friends.
Am I afraid of dying? A little, I suppose. The death of a very fit police officer in St. George lurks in the shadows of my mind. I am certainly less fit than he was. Plus, thousands of people have had this and been just fine. What makes me so special?
My friend is a brilliant doctor and assures me that the vaccination and some vitamin D will likely help me pull through this without any serious issues. I hope he's right.
For now, I will isolate (gonna try and do my radio show from home, at least some of it), and stay positive.
Will update if there are any new developments, but if I was scheduled to come to your event, party, meeting or other happening, well, sorry, I won't be there for the next nine days. Hopefully, that's all.
Update: Covid Day 10 (first symptom), or Day 6 (positive test).
After Friday's positive test and my other post on this, I went home and crashed. Hard. I probably slept 12 hours from Friday at noonish to Saturday at 1ish. Woke up enough to tell my wife I love her and who I wanted as pall bearers (not kidding). I also told her my last thoughts for each of my kids. She humored me and only told me once that I wasn't going to die.
I am not making light of this disease and those who lost loved ones to it. I really felt like death was coming for me.
Saturday afternoon was a bit better, but Sunday I started coughing and it would. not. stop.
As many of you who listen to my show know, I did not answer the bell Monday -- had satellite programming (Dave Ramsey). Again, I was a zombie Monday morning and started making arrangements for after my death (I told my wife I didn't want a funeral, simply a huge BBQ in which everyone brings their favorite smoked meat and you can all sit around my urn and tell silly stories about me).
But suddenly, and surprisingly, I started to feel a little better Monday night. My boss REALLY wanted me back on the air Tuesday and radio comes with certain financial obligations (sponsors), so I setup my home office so I could go live Tuesday morning and that's what I did.
My Momma always said 'Fake it til you make it,' and that's what Tuesday was. I did my news cycle from 6-9 on KDXU, but let Terry Hutchinson do my call-in show (thanks Terry, great job!). Tuesday was about a 60 percent day for me, health-wise. But compared to Sunday and Monday's deathwatch, I felt great!
Today (Wednesday) dawned and in the early morning, I was about 70 percent. The 6-9 show went well, with Andy Thompson handling the call-in show. I didn't hear it as I went straight to bed after the show. I did manage to get quite a bit of other work done after about a 1 hour nap. Covid-19 seems to be on the run (fingers crossed).
A couple of bad things, though. First of all, I have zero sense of smell. I mean zero. Stinky socks, dog doo, laundry soap, BBQ (!) -- nothing! Gratefully, I can taste a little. I sense sweet, bitter, salty and sour. Not getting specific flavors (except maybe peanut butter), but at least the main senses of taste. I've also lost my hearing a bit (driving my wife nuts).
Speaking of Shelly Griffin, she tested positive for C19 today. Fever, cough, sniffles and dizziness prompted us to take her in. So I'm turning from patient into nurse.
A couple of things I have learned: 1. Sleep is the biggest weapon against this disease. I got sickest when I wasn't getting enough and I started to heal when I got a lot; 2. I truly believe the vaccine (again, J & J) helped me to have a milder case than I would have otherwise. While I felt like I was going to die, I don't believe I was ever actually that close; 3. I hope listeners of the Andy Griffin Show have missed me as much as I have missed doing it. Andy Thompson is doing Thursday and Friday, but I am back at it next week NO MATTER WHAT! I love my job and can't wait to get back to you.
Thank you for all the concern and prayers. Please redirect them to the love of my life, Shelly, so she can make it through this as well.
I never doubted Covid-19 was real, but I also never thought I would get it. It is and I did.
The No. 1 takeaway? Life is a gift! Treasure every second. Oh, and it's ribs or brisket for my memorial (smoked turkey is also acceptable).
Love you all!!!
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