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05/30/22 Memorial Day

Well I have to admit I kind of love that you can just pop on and ask me questions whenever and then go about your business. Makes me feel still connected to you and like you are still part of things!

Let's see...what's been going on here...

Dad had two more vein treatments this week - they go in and make punctures in his leg and then coderize (burn) his veins shut. The way the dr described it was that dad's veins are like a roadway. So imagine I-15 and then frontage road. His I-15 is great and working just fine but his frontage road is a mess. And so they are shutting down the frontage. By burning them shut. And this will make it so he in theory won't swell and get infections anymore in his legs. We'll see. 

On Friday he went in and got an ultrasound and they said he was fine and then three hours later his leg was really swollen, red and sore. Took him back over and got some antibiotics. We're hoping we were fast enough to prevent the infection from being awful again. 

Dad had the home show at the Dixie Center Saturday morning and Top Gun at the Movie Theater to host on Saturday afternoon. The radio station rented out the theater and gave away tons of tickets. They invited some fighter pilots and their families to come watch the movie too. It was really fun and cool. They also bought everyone drinks and popcorn. 

Saturday evening we got together for May birthdays at Wendy's pool/clubhouse. All Laura's kids came in town to surprise her for her birthday so it was a good crowd. Aunt Laura bought sandwiches and we swam and ate. 

Sunday I had early morning meeting for YW -- ward council -- and then church.

Eldon and Diane got COVID so they are home recovering. Gpa went to Wendy's for Sunday dinner. So we just had a nice quiet day and mad the cake we showed you pix of and played games. Chill day!

Today we played pickleball and then when we came back I tried to mow the lawn. A rock or something got up in the mower and violently threw it across the yard right into one of our big windows. And broke one of the panes. (It's double pane -- so good news -- the second pane didn't break so we can be ghetto for a little bit and not compromise the house!!!)

I believe the rock (or whatever broke on the mower) blew apart the underpart because there was gas and oil leaking everywhere. So we went and bought a mower - a battery operated cordless. We'll see how that goes for us. It's charging right now -- so I dunno!!!

Gpa was pretty excited about you texting him first thing this morning. We took him out for lunch and ate at Bishop's restaurant. He got a giant cinnamon roll and his fancy breakfast. He seemed pretty tickled!!!

My boss is out of town this week - in Greece -- so I anticipate a quiet week. Although he is out of town so in theory if anything needs done that he might have done I might get to do it. So I guess it could go either way. 

Hope you're fantastic!!! Love you!!!

Did you get any travel orders yet? 

Dad says to tell you he is right here with me and he loves you too!!! 😍

Oh yea...and ward news...Of course I sat with the Fink's and included a couple of super cute photos of my church babies. Theo finally loves me!!!! And Hyrum Francis (the 3rd oldest child) -- he is about hit on Friday afternoon. We were going to arctic circle to get Diane a shake for her quarantine birthday and I just had a sick feeling it was one of the Francis kids. It was. He attracted tons of fire, police, ambulance and a reporter not to mention some people - looky loos. I could never see him but found out later it was him. He got a concussion and a bit shook up but otherwise he's fine. Lucky kid!!!! That was scary!

I'm going to send the pix separately in case it is too much for your computer. XOXO mamá


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