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07/17/22 Acting and partying and singing...good week!

Hey girlie! How ya doing? Working on my Sunday baking and thinking of you and wishing you were in the kitchen with me making stuff!! 
My buckets were TOO full!

Seems like it was a pretty quick week -- after having a week off from vacation we had lots to do at work. While I was away the boss sent me a text and asked me if I'd help out with interviews for police sgt. Always one to help out -- I was like sure boss, what do ya need?!  

They needed someone to "act like they were a bad employee being brought in for a reprimand interview with the Sgt."  YIKES!!!! I HATE acting!!!! And talk about out of my comfort zone...there was 7 people on the interview board watching. 😭  SCARY!!!!  But I said yes, and not one to go back on my word...I did it!  They said I did a good job -- and I suppose it wasn't as bad as I thought...but I sure as heck didn't know what I was doing and was kinda nervous!  

The boss and several of my coworkers were like...what? this scares you? I thought you were an actress in High school. 😂 Where they got that idea I'll never know!   My boss said I did a great job but that if I didn't like doing that he wouldn't ask me to do it again. That man may be a genius!!! If I was terrible he somehow made it seem like he was doing me a favor and wouldn't ever ask me again! 😜

Tuesday evening was an employee appreciation evening that I put together. We rented out a theater and allowed everyone to bring as many family as they wanted and supplied movie tickets, popcorn and soda. We got a really great response and ended up filling a full theater (176) and having another 50 or more on top of that in a 2nd theater. We went to Thor...which was an ok movie...but everyone really liked it. My boss wants me to do several events a year to make people feel part of the community and appreciated. So success!
Sadie Seegmiller and Bailey Stevens 
painting rocks

Wednesday night the girls came over and we painted rocks for aspiration trail. (We're going to hike that in a week or two.) You put inspirational sayings on rocks and then leave them on the path. Kind of a cool idea. I think I'll make some more and put them around my yard. I love that kinda stuff! There was only 3 girls (probably due to family vacations and girls working) but they had a nice time and didn't want to leave. I love my girls. They are so nice and chill and love doing activities together. 
Rebekah Francis paiting rocks

Thursday night we went out with Troy Poll and his wife (BBQ Pitstop people) to Buddy Holly at Tuacahn. First to Angelica's for dinner. It was a really good play with great music. Dad told me that Buddy died in a plane crash along with several other guys. Apparently several people in the audience didn't know cause when they announced their death there was audible gasps and oh no!  

By Friday -- after a vacation and TWO late nights we were both tired. And grandpa went out with his new harmony bunch. So we went to Golden Corral and had dinner and then just chilled all evening. Pool floating and such. 

Saturday dad wasn't feeling great and slept in and then got up, ate breakfast and slept some more!  I think the week kicked his butt!!!

Aunt Wendy sold her house and is moving to Salt Lake City. On Saturday Grandpa and I went over and helped her for about 1.5 hours to clean out some of her kitchen. I feel bad for her because she has very little help. Aunt Laura and Uncle Ben are on vacation this week. I have YW Wednesday. Thursday we have a BBQ for one of dad's groups. So that help on Saturday is probably all we got to offer. Maybe we'll see if we can help Monday or Tuesday. I know she has a LOT to do still, poor girl!  And her and her husband got the flu on their vacation and he was throwing up again yesterday (in SLC...don't worry I'm not going to catch it!)

Today we had our usual Sunday and are preparing for Eldon and Diane and Holly and Erik. Gpa is having Wendy for her "last supper" while living in St. George. 

Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow!!!! Dad has a dr visit tomorrow with the pulmonologist. They are trying to figure out if he has lung disease like Gma did or not. Hopefully we'll know for sure tomorrow. And it will be good news! 🤞🙂

Love you lots lil Hermana! So proud of all your hard work and sacrifice and doing "hard things" with a smile. You're my hero. Your example helps me to do hard things like acting on Tuesday this week!

Bailey Rocks
and she's a good artist!
Prayers that we get lots of good news this week -- missionary blessings, right?!  ❤ 

Love you! mom and dad

P.S. we got your letters you wrote in the MTC!!!! Love it!!! Gpa also got his and was pretty happy about it!

Keep up the good works!😇
All the rocks for Aspiration trail


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