Another week has flown by --
This week there was a murder trial that was 4 days long. I was able to pull it up on zoom and watch it each day while I worked. It was like having a permitted soap-opera to watch during work. 

The case involved two people I knew and the one that got murdered I had just talked to and told him not to go up to the house because he wasn't supposed to be up there. He didn't listen. He got shot and killed that night.
The guy that killed him was actually his next door neighbor and got found guilty of murder. (He was a convicted felon and not a nice guy. The guy killed was a wife beater and not a nice guy either.) Overall -- sad situation but also not sad too. Two less icky people out in society.
Holly started SUU this week on Wednesday. Her first official school room learning in awhile. I think she liked it. But her job is making her work 40 hours this week which is way too many with 14 credit hours. I'm hoping she gets that figured out before long and works a bit less. She can't afford to lose her scholarship due to bad grades.
Dad asked for and got a raise. Woot! He is happy they recognize that he's valuable and gave him some extra $ for it. They also took away a big portion of the evening logs that he was doing and the 24/7 notification whenever the station went off air. They added two stories a day he's still working too much. But I guess it's all good and will work itself out. He's busy with football games too.
Speaking of that...Saturday the BYU was in Florida for a game. Dad's board-op had family problems and needed the day off. There was 2.5 HOURS of lightning delays and dad ended up working 7 hours (for no extra money) Saturday. Sigh.
Bryce and Marlee came to visit along with AJ and Becca. Both getting to us Friday night. (dad had a game). So me and B&M went to Deseret Book and the mall and then when A&B got here we came home hung out and played games.
We've done some swimming and eating and hanging out. We had 15 for dinner tonight. Dallas & Kayla and babies arrived. E&D, Gpa and the Thatcher parents came. So yeah, lots of people!
Tomorrow we're having a reveal party (a labor day swim party where we happen to reveal what flavor the baby will be!!!) The answer is in the ice cream cake! Can't wait to cut the cake!
Thatcher parents and kids are coming in addition to all of thee above so it will be a busy day tomorrow.
Today in church the Fink's were extra busy and noisy and happy. We were several rows back in the overflow. They are cute but busy! I think they are driving dad nuts!
Becca held Nicole and Nicole said, I like that girl shelly brought! haha.
I think the thing that stuck out to me today at church was in Proverbs -- I guess there is a proverb that says:The friend loves at all times, but a brother is born for adversity.
I guess one interpretation is that a brother IS adversity!
Ya know, the fighting is normal. BUT NO...that's not right! The brother is there FOR YOU when YOU have adversity. So siblings are there for each other!

A story was told in Sunday School about this verse. A mother heard loud thrashing and banging going on upstairs and she ran up to see what was going on. She thought the boys were having a knock down drag out fight. She got up to the bathroom and found the one brother trying to save the other brother in the bath tub. The brother was having a seizure (first time ever) and kept trying to go under water. He was very combative and difficult to control but the other brother was literally saving his life and doing all he could to hold his head above water. He was there for him in adversity.
So...there ya have it! The week in a nutshell!
Tomorrow is labor day and dad says to tell you he will be sleeping in! 

I should be around tho as usual I think.
Love you! Hope you're week was great and you are enjoying your new area and companionship. Tell your comp HI! for me!!!! Ola!
Love you lots! Keep up the good works! Mom
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