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09/12/22 Fast Week!

Nancy McAllister, Shelly, Andy, Milt Hatt
Pickleball Saturday morning!!!

This week seemed really fast with the Monday holiday. Just seemed like the work week was over in a flash. 
Ellie sending kisses!

It was fun having everyone down (and very chaotic!) !!!! We had 15 for Sunday dinner and 25 for Monday lunch. Whew! Note to self...that's too many! ðŸ˜œ

Wednesday we went to a new Pizza place called Onyx with Ben and Laura and Gpa. It was alright but not spectacular. I don't think they'll want to go there again. I guess we'll see!  

Thursday I went to the eye doctor and my eyes are exactly the same as last year. Dr called me a robot. Which is a good thing -- my eyes aren't getting worse!!! I'm getting up there in years, ya know?!  ðŸ¤“  So another year with no glasses. YiPpEe!!!

Also had ministering interviews...they did the cute drive through thing where everyone comes to church and meets with their RS Presidency member and tells about how ministering is going and as a reward you get some cookies. I get to visit Jessica Francis and Julia Fink -- since I walk with them every week I'm golden. It's been a real blessing to not have to work too hard to do ministering!

Friday night I took Sheryl Rubin to Walmart. Apparently her previous shopping helpers have dried up so I agreed to shop for her once a month. This time she wanted to go. We were in Walmart almost 2 hours. When we finally got all the way around the store she realized she forgot cheese and we had to walk back down to the cheese area. She walks really slow. I know she appreciates it and loves that I took her but it was hard.  The next day she had me go to Costco and get her giant rolls of paper towels, soda, gatorade, trash bags and lost of other items. They were so big I could hardly get everything in the cart!  

She asked me to walk her around Walmart again next month but I told her no...we were going to make a list and get prices etc and "online shop" at our house. (She pays me cash and tries to figure out the exact amount to pay).  Honestly it's not a big deal to actually shop.  It's just so hard to get the list from her and arrange drop off etc. 
DJ sending kisses!

She asked me to take her out for her birthday in October so I'm going to spend Friday with her in a week and again 2 weeks after that. She really needs a friend. 

Friday night was our ward swim party. I went to that and played for an hour before shopping with Sheryl from 9-11 p.m. Got home at 11:45 p.m. Yikes!  

Saturday morning we played pickleball from 8-9:40 and then went to a first responders event in the park. Then I did Costco, mow the lawn, pool filters cleaned, swim, dad cooked steak, Gpa came to dinner. Busy day!  

Today Randy and Kay and Gpa came over and we had stromboli. It was yummy!

It's already 9:30 and I have three loads of laundry to fold and should try to get to bed by 10 p.m. so I'll be happy tomorrow! ðŸ˜´ðŸ˜‡

Today's Sunday lesson was on repentance.  The scripture -- tho your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow...Dani Blaser did the lesson and she made a red velvet cake with white whip cream frosting on top. Yummy!!!! 
Stromboli - picture #1

I am amazed at how well these girls do with teaching lessons. She is only 14!  I know I wasn't brave enough to do that when I was her age! And she did a great job.  They all do. 
Stromboli #2

You guys are so talented! I know you'd do amazing at this as well. Hope things are going well. Lots of people ask me how you're doing.  Sister Gubler and Sister Harward and Bishop all asked about you this weekend. And Randy and Kay too. So many people sending love and well wishes your way. 

Love you lots! mom and dad

Stromboli #3
This was delicious!!!!

Recipe for Stromboli: 
Pastry Puff
1 1/4 cup very cold butter (salted)*
(if not salted add 1/4 t salt)
1/2 c very cold water
2 cups flour

Egg Wash
1 egg, 1 T water, mix

  • Using a food processor, fitted with the metal blade, add flour and salt to the bowl, then add 3/4 cup (170 grams) cold butter cut into cubes and pulse until butter is absorbed (about 10 to 12 one-second pulses), then add the remaining cold butter (cubed) and pulse two or three times (no more) to combine, add the cold water and pulse four or five times just until the dough comes together to form a ball (really important not to over process).
  • On a lightly floured surface place dough and knead lightly approximately 10 times. With a lightly floured rolling- pin (lightly flour the dough so it doesn’t stick) roll into a rectangle of approximately 12 x 18 inches (30 x 45 centimeters).
  • Fold the dough like an envelope (see photos) then fold in half, wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 1 – 2 hours (I left mine in the fridge for two hours).

Preheat the oven to 375° (190° celsius) (for all recipes).

Inside: anything goes! 
We did smoked pork shredded pork, ham lunch meat, spicy pepper jack, cheddar, Monterey jack, feta & parmesan cheese. On top sprinkled Italian seasonings & garlic.  Bowl of pizza sauce on the side warmed for dipping. 

Could do chicken, pork, beef, etc. 
Could do any fruit
Cinnamon & sugar

Your imagination and your fridge ingredients are your only limits!

Andy at St. George Main Street Park
9-11 Ceremony


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