I looked up Iqueque and it looks beautiful!!! Did they save the best for last? I'm excited to see your place and hear about it. It looks like a very fun vacation city -- so maybe people won't be as interested in learning the gospel??? I dunno! But I was impressed!
It was a busy week but productive!
After church last week they had a linger-longer -- we've never done that in any ward I've been in that I recall...maybe when I was a kid (we would stay all day between conferences). I have heard of it...AJ had it in the Virgin Islands. It was fun. Brother Blaser made tons of cookies and everyone just stayed after and visited for a little while. Dad met a couple that has a pickleball court in their side yard. But that yard was too small, so they have to cut off 4 feet...which seems like a lot! haha. We haven't gone up to play with then yet so I dunno! They live on Myrna's hill.
Monday we went to the temple pre-open house. It was really beautiful and a nice experience. The baptistry has moved a little. The whole temple just looked really awesome and pretty. They did an excellent job. We got to go to the assembly hall -we've never been up there and GPA told us that many years ago he attended a meeting there and the prophet and 12 apostles were there and the 12 apostles passed the sacrament to him. How cool would that be?
It was Monday -- so we had planned to go to pizza afterward...but they had set up the gym at the church across from the temple with a fancy buffet...they had pulled pork sandwiches, shrimp cocktails, salads, dark chocolate-covered bridge mix, angel food cake squares dipped in chocolate, mini cheesecakes, peanut butter cups (made from scratch)...it was so yummy!!! And no need for dinner afterward!
Ben and Laura are going to be working in the temple for the next about 8 weeks...so they are working Wednesday and Saturday - they had to move our Wednesday get-togethers to Tuesday starting this week and for a while now.
We went out to dinner with them to Cafe Sabor and then I had Relief Society. It was supposed to be combined with the YW but only 2 girls showed up. Two! What the?!?!? I was really disappointed in our girls! I suppose it is possible that they all had other things (because they normally reserve Wednesday?!) but I really think they just blew it off. And so sad because the RS went all out for the party. They had delicious treats, fun activities, music, dressed up...fancy and fun! Losers. 

Plus I hate it when someone goes to so much work and then no one comes. I feel so bad. I doubt they will invite us again any time soon! I had a great time and was glad I went!
Because we changed our routine the week felt off! Wednesday felt like it should have been Thursday. Didn't have YW so we went and played pickleball. That was fun! We haven't been out much lately due to the weather (we've had a lot of rain and storms this year and HEAT!) And people out of town.
Thursday we had a recognition breakfast with the utility office - and bought them fancy sandwiches (you came with me on your call!) They were yummy and it was a nice breakfast.
Friday I felt like I was on speed...(What I imagine it would feel like, cause I never actually have been on speed!!!). We got up and did our usual 3 mile walk and then I came home and trimmed all the front yard bushes. It took about an hour to cut and an hour to pickup the debris. I was playing beat the clock because I wanted it all picked up before the trash truck came. Geary was leaving about the same time and I asked for her cans too and topped them off. Worked out just right! Got to work a wee bit late but no big deal because Jeremy was off and Thad never comes before 9 anyway.
At work, I've been working on getting the court caught up on their late letters. Ended up with 98 letters in the mail by 12:30. I put on a movie and ignored everyone (ok no one was around to ignore so it was great!).
After work, I came home and finished cleaning up a little more debris in the yard mowed and edged, etc., and then washed the front windows. Dad had a brisket that he hadn't cooked and was going to go bad so he had cooked it overnight Thursday to Friday. So instead of going out we made a fancy meal and Gpa came over and ate with us.
Then Dad went to football and I worked on getting the invitation list together for Holly's wedding. I sent it to Marlee and I'm hoping she can make it labels for us.
Holly doesn't know what she wants to do because the Covington House fell through. So we're kind of at a standstill as she figures out what now.
Saturday we played pickleball early and then Dad came home and napped (the weeks really kick his butt and early morning pickleball means he wasn't done sleeping yet! While he was sleeping I did Walmart.
Then we just had a nice chill day! We swam and made some crazy fancy dessert together (which we haven't tried yet!) and I made potato soup and sourdough bread. Sourdough bread was a lot of work and I don't think I did something right because it was very heavy and dense. Tasted good but I think it needed to rise a lot more. I'll probably try it again sometime.
The first dress came in the mail for Ellie for the wedding and it's super cute!
Walked with Linda this morning and ran an errand for Holly already and it's only 9 a.m.! Haha
The lesson that I've been listening to this morning is regarding service -- and how we should be willing to give and serve cheerfully. And how sometimes we give grudgingly or sparingly but that we should really try to give happily and abundantly.
It made me remember how happy I am when I serve others and do projects or things for other people. The podcast talked about how sometimes we are the ones that serve and give and other times we are the ones that need and receive. And how wonderful the ward family is because we are able to help and be helped as we go through life. It made me want to try harder to serve and help others.
I'm so happy P-day is tomorrow so we can hear all about your last area!!! I hope it is the best and that you have an amazing finish to your mission! I am so proud of you for what you're accomplishing. I know how hard it is to be away from home for so long but you're doing it! You will be blessed your whole life for the sacrifices you've made and the wisdom you've acquired.
I filled up my pill bucket and you will be home before I finish all the rows! That is wild to think about!
So really enjoy this last little bit!!!! Love you so much! Mom
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