Things are about like always here. Katie and Holly are enjoying choir and piano lessons and girl scouts. We get to start selling girl scout cookies soon. We are going to a "cookie kick off" party tonight to find out about cookie sales. Katie starts Polynesian dancing next Thursday and there is a LUAU in April that she will dance at. Sounds kind of fun. I'm excited to go to that.
The boys are staying super busy with band and YM. They have been faithfully reading their scriptures...thank you for helping them develop a habit before you left. It should serve them well if they will continue...and so far they are!
Court was super busy this week since a lot of people like to blow things off during the holidays. Time flies when you are busy though so that was good.
YW we had 4 non members and 3 members Wednesday night...so I was pretty happy with that turn out. We actually just got 2 more non-members so now I am up to 8. Crazy! So hopefully I'll get a baptism or two during your mission, eh?! I invited the missionaries to come and they hung out and played with us a little but honesty they were kind of gun shy and wouldn't interact with the girls. We need the sister missionaries to come and hang with us. But they removed them from our stake so we only get the boys. Oh well. Next month we are going to the temple to do baptisms and I am going to arrange to meet the sisters at the visitor's center and take all the girls that can't go into the temple to the visitor's center. That way no one will feel left out. Should be fun!
So I can't think of any fun or exciting stories to tell you. I hope you are adjusting well to your new world. And if you get a chance talk to your mission mamma and tell her you love her and that she needs to start writing on the blog again! She used to write all the time and nothing since Christmas. Everyday I look for a short write up from her hoping for a glimpse of you...and nothing!!! Tell her we LOVE reading about the missionaries and what's going on over there. Makes us feel connected to you.
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