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01/22/11 Missionary relay & Polynesian dancing

So funny, building snowmen in bare feet! Gotta love Washington Utah!

Hi Aj!  How are things going?

Things are pretty much the same here.  Busy Busy Busy.

Cassandra Swapp and Amanda Turner
Let's see, what to tell you about this week. I taught in YW on Sunday.  Always scares me to teach.  Not my comfort zone, ya know?  I think it went pretty well.  Brother Baker came to class and that made it extra special scary for me.  It was on having the spirit with you all the time and not just on Sunday.  It was a pretty good lesson.  It talked about doing things that invite the spirit and not doing things that drive it away.  
Tomorrow is Stake Conference so I get a week off of all my early meetings and don't have to worry about YW etc.  That is nice.

Me and the girls went to the pool today but it was too cold for my liking.  I went in up to my ankles and turned around and went back out to my chair and kept reading my book.  Chilly is not my thing!

Chloe Wilden and Ashley Devaney

David Swapp, Nathan Warby and Brother Turner
We did a combined meeting for YW/YM and did a missionary relay race.  It was fun.  The kids started out (boys against girls) and had to dress in their missionary attire (skirt and sweater w/name tag or button up shirt and name tag).  Then they had to go to the world map and pick their "calling" out of the envelope.  They had to find their location on a map. (They really seemed to enjoy that particular exercise).  Then they ran to another table and had to memorize 3 little phrases in Spanish.  (Like where's the bathroom and I know the Savior lives).  Then they ran to another table and had to make a paper airplane and fly it into the circle on the gym floor.  (Symbolic of leaving the MTC having learned their language).  Then they had to sew on a button, tie a tie, sing head shoulders knees and toes (with hand motions) and recite an article of faith.  Once all that was done they ran to their bikes and had to bike the length of the gym (w/helmets for safety) and then undress for their final time.
Ashley and Chloe

After everyone ran the relay Sam Stevens told about his mission and we had treats from his mission.  It was really good.

Katie is still enjoying polynesian dancing and basketball and achievement days and piano and girl scouts.  GO Go Go!  I can't wait until the polynesian BBQ at the end.  We get to go have dinner and watch her dance for her final performance.

Amanda, Cassandra, Brooke Devaney and Nikki Turner
Dallas is still giving us fits with his grades.  Always having to make up stuff after he misses a day for band.  He and Bryce are really getting to be good players.  I am impressed.

Well I hope had a successful happy week and can't wait to hear all the details.  LOVED your last letter.  So informative!!!

I found out we can dear elder you to the pouch and it is free but I think it takes awhile.  I wrote one to you this week and you'll have to let me know how long it takes to arrive.  I think it goes out every Monday.  I'll try to encourage others to start writing you there.  I know you would love that.

I saw Mike the Barber (bishop?) -- he asked about you.  I told him you were doing great and gave him your blogsite.  I gave him your photo and he said he had a wall he was putting everybody's mugs on who was out on a mission from your ward.  He said there are like 6 guys getting ready to go our right now and he was pretty excited.

Ashely, Chloe and Andrew Shopinski
Well I hope time is flying for you and you are loving every minute of it!

Did you ever get sick?  (I worried that it wasn't food poisoning that your comp got and that you'd be sick Tuesday or something) -- so ??? Did you survive really?

Everyone keeps telling me how funny and interesting your letters are and they love your personality.
Well Katie and Holly are demanding I come read to them so I better go entertain them and send them to bed!
Love you lots and so proud of you.  Know that you are well thought of and loved and prayed for often and by many!!!!

Love you! Mom.


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