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02/20/11 Double murder

The neighborhood was shook this week with a double murder and an attempted suicide just 8 houses from ours this week.  It was on wagonwheel drive over straight across our street and then 3 houses in on the next block.  A 47 year old man (Richard Jones) killed his wife (Michelle Jones) and her 19 year old son (his step son) Christopher Ellis Friday night.  He gunned down his wife in the driveway and the son was found in the garage and then tried to kill himself and he was found in his bedroom.  So far he is still alive, last I heard, but with gunshot wounds to the head...who knows how long he'll last.
I didn't know any of them.  Did you?  I think they may have moved here within the last couple of years.   Not sure.
We had one of those in December in St. George.  Sad.  All the ugliness in the world today.
We had ward conference today and it was pretty good.  Although a LONG time to sit.  They had the grown ups in the chapel the WHOLE TIME!!!  President Ellsworth gave a talk about how we should be in the process of raising our best friends.  I hope you consider us your best friends!  He said how much he enjoys spending time with his kids and how great of friends they are.  He said people always used to tell them to wait until the kids were teenagers...then they wouldn't enjoy them so much.  But that he DID still enjoy his teenagers.  So far I feel the same way.  You gave us a groan or two but for the most part you are a cool fun kid and we enjoy you!  Same with your bro's and sis's.  I am really enjoying having girl time and "playing" with the girls.  
This year for Stake Conference we are doing a pioneer trek up Cedar Mountain and tonight we are having a fireside talking about that...getting everyone excited.  It should be fun I hope.  I'm already excited.  Course I never did that as a kid.  Dad couldn't be paid to do one again...hmmm....maybe I should be worried!!!  You never did get to do one.  Too bad.  I really think it has it's benefits.
Friday evening dad and Dallas went up to a playoff game between Judge and Hurricane (Hurricane lost) and so given I had a little free time on my hands I painted the girls bedroom.  It is a pastel green. It came out kinda pretty.  (For all the world the paint looked tan before applied to the wall though...???)  

They are painting everything at work and it inspired me to do another room.  The girls room was boogery and gross so it really did make it look nice.
We still have no furniture in our man cave but dad says he saw a bed/sofa type contraption at COSTCO that we may check out and get if it will fit.   We want you to still have a bed for if you ever decide to come sleep over here again!
Well I am getting ready to head to the fireside so I'm gonna sign off.  Things have been pretty much the same you lots!!!
Have you gotten any of the dear elders?  I sent a couple and Bro somebody (my mind is blank) said he sent you one about 2 weeks ago too.

Love you lots and can't wait to hear all about your week!!!!  Keep up the good work.  You are amazing!  Love Mom.


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