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2/6/11 Letter to AJ from Andy

Hey AJ,

How's mission life? Hope all is well and you're staying healthy.

We are getting ready for our Super Bowl party. Gma and Gpa plus Eldon and Diane are coming. By the way, Eldon and Diane have reconciled all their differences and seem happy. She rides her bike next to him while he runs and she has lost like 70 pounds or somwthing. Plus, she comes with him to So. Utah all the time now. I dunno if they are completely changed. They still fight some, but it is good that they are both trying a lot harder now.

You prob heard Jonny is married and living in Malaysia now. If you do something like that, i will ring your neck!

I have been writing a lot for DNews. They pay less, but I am getting more stories, so maybe it will even out a little. Yesterday I did a player report card about the BYU game (they beat UNLV by 14, swept them this year). My deadline was 15 minutes after the game ended. It was a rush. I just watched the game from here and followed the stats on the internet during the game, then wrote a quick story. BYU is off to their best start ever, 22-2, and still ranked No. 8. Jimmer had a very average 29 points and seven assists (OK, that is great for everyone else in the world, but just average for him). Every team is starting to double and triple cover him. He had 16 of his 29 from the line, as they hacked him all game. But he did not miss a free throw. What a stud!

Mom made Pandesal fro our party and I made chili and queso, plus we have cookies and cake and all kinds of crap. Prob gain 10 pounds today!

Sports updates:
Desert Hills is 9-1 in region behind Simister and Ott. Hurricane is 5-4. Pine View is dismal -- 1-8.
SB will start soon. By the time you get on it will be over.
Jazz beat Nuggets, then lost to Thunder. Kevin Durant sure is a stud. He made a bunch of threes last night.
Utes suck. They are 10-14 and in sixth place in MWC.

BTW, sorry I wasn't on last week. I was sick with a nasty cold and just couldn't stay up any longer. I was hammered. Glad you had fun at the waterfall. Weaver's Mom gave us a couple of pix that he took (only 1 with you in it).

1. What day is transfers? Next Monday? Hope you get to stay and conti8nue with your investigators. Isn't teaching the gospel glorious? One of the greatest feelings in the world is teaching a principle and having the SDpirit testify and seeing the light in their eyes as they understand.
2. ANy cool landmarks around there? national monument or anything? I wondered if there was any historical stuff with WW II or anything?
3. You having a hard time getting up early? I am pretty used to it on this end.
4. Do you studty mostly language in the a.m. or gospel stuff?
5. How much news on sports do you get? Do people have TV's and get games?
6. Does your town have a PBA basketball team?
7. There's a college near you. Do they do sports and is like one of our colleges?
8. Need anything?
9. You want us to DearElder pouchmail stuff?
10. Are you all growed up now? We miss our little AJ sometimes.

OK, be good and please tell us if there is anything we can do to help you. Today we talked about Jesus teaching the Samarian woman at the well. You are doing just like Jesus. I hope they forget their water bucket at the well and get sio excited to drink the spiritual water. That would be awesome.

Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you,

Your Pop


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