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07/10/11 Dixie Rebel Championship Football game and girls night

It is almost a rainy day.  Overcast and I guess it sprinkled while we were in our morning meeting.  Thunder and lightening.  Muggy.  Not at all typical!  Kind of nice for a change!

Another busy week has flown by so quickly I can hardly remember it!  We are getting ready to go to youth conference pioneer trek this Thursday.  Got our buckets covered with cushions so we can have a seat while out on the trek.  (Did you ever go on a trek?  I don't remember you going but dad says he thinks you did.  If you did tell us about it.)

Last night the boys went to the final Dixie Rebel Championship football game while the girls stayed home and had girls night.  We went and looked for a new vacuum because ours wasn't sucking...which sucked!  Haha.  Anyway the cheapest I could find for what would work was $100 and I just couldn't spend $100...yet.  So I bought a $11 filter combo for our old vacuum and figured I would give it one last try.  Dang if that thing did cough up a HUGE fir ball and start working!  Magic!  SO after the vacuum was fixed the girls bathed and got their hair braided and nails painted and we read a book out loud together and played UNO spin.  It was a nice night.  I'm sure Dad will fill you in on the football game.   I think the boys had fun too.

We reserved a condo in Park City the week after the pioneer trek.  It is in the complex we stayed at a jillion years ago...when Jonny was a baby and cried all night and kept us up!  Oh, the good ol days.  The unit we are getting has 2 bedrooms and a loft and a kitchen and living room. 3 TV's with cd/dvd players on them and pool and volleyball and stuff. It is real close to town so we'll probably go to the outlet malls and the alpine slide and main street park city.  Who knows what else.  Should be fun. We'll go Wed, Thur and Fri night and then to the Bahr Family reunion on the way home.  We had talked about staying at Laurito's but decided it would be more enjoyable for everyone if we had our own space.  G-pa actually sounded super bummed out when I told him.  Surprised me.  I guess that's good he still likes us...our at least ACTS like he does!   I would have thought he'd be relieved not to have all the noise and commotion about.  I invited him to come up and spend some time in PC with us though.

I have been reading the story of the pioneers coming to Utah and it really is humbling to read of all the struggles they endured.  It makes me think of you and all the things you must overcome to serve the Lord.  It really is amazing the faith and determination that people have.  We watched the movie the 17 Miracles a week or two ago and it also brought to mind all the sacrifices people made to build up zion.

Our pioneer trek was supposed to be about 21 miles but we got a peek at the route and I think it is going to be 8 miles day 1, 6 miles day 2 and 3 miles day 3.  So a little less than originally planned.  I don't know how hilly it will be but the actual milage doesn't sound bad at all.

I hope you are doing well and that your new shoes will hold you over for awhile.  I finally got your package mailed this week so by your birthday you should have new shoes.  They are really nice and sturdy!  (And there is chili in each one (wrapped in plastic of course)) so they will be EXTRA appreciated by you!

Take care of yourself.  Hopefully you've enjoyed a day sightseeing.  Are transfers really soon?  There was a pix or two of you up on the mission mama's sight recently and a picture of Elder Weaver's shoes...they looked pretty bad.  I hope yours aren't that bad.  But now I can see why you keep saying yours are fine...they were probably WAY better than his?!

Love you lots! Mom


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