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07/24/11 Park City Vacation

Shelly, Dallas, Bryce, Katie, Holly
Andy & Katie - she's not too excited about riding up on the lift!
Hi kiddo! Got a new comp yet...or is that happening in a day or two?  So sad to change when you find something that is working and you like!  Oh well, one thing that is true about never stays the same.  And sometimes that is good, and sometimes that is bad.  Hopefully that is good for you!

Cutie Holly Dolly!
We had a really nice week in Park City.  We got a condo that had a room for the boys, the girls and the parents.  Nice!  We all had a little space so we didn't feel so cramped!  We were on the second floor and then our unit had upstairs and downstairs.  The condo had 2 pools and 2 hot tubs just across the street.  We were able to do a couple of fun things.  We took a ski lift up from our place to another area of town.  From there we rode a gondola (enclosed ski lift) up to the top of the mountain.  Once there we had a picnic lunch (pre-packed) and then did a frisbee golf course.  We brought 6 frisbees from Walmart (only went home with 4) and there was a golf course set up.  You tried to throw your frisbee to each hole and get the smallest score.  It was pretty fun.  We let dad win so he'd buy us all slurpees (winner buys slurpees) -- so he was pretty happy too!  It was pretty close.  The wood were pretty deep up there and so 2 of our frisbees got into an area and never found again.  Oh well.  Thank goodness we hadn't gotten them from the park city people or we'd have lost our deposit!

We spent the afternoon at the pool and got everybody pretty played out and then headed over to the strip mall.  It has gotten quite a bit bigger!!!  We walked the whole mall -- and I swear there is 2x more stores than last time we went.  There was a whole different area behind the main stores that were there last time I remember going.  Needless to say we got in a really good walk!  The boys all got new sneakers and the girls got new park city shirts.

Friday we went to the Olympic park.  That is also new since our last visit.  There was a museum and some cool ski jumping into a huge pool.  That was really fun to watch.  We then were able to take ski lifts up the mountain and go down the alpine slide.  That was pretty fun but not as fun as I remember and quite a bit more $ than I remembered.  Oh well!

Dallas doing stunts with Holly
Becky and Ruth and Grandpa came over and dad BBQ'd for everyone. Grandpa's birthday was July 23 -- so we were able to celebrate his birthday and get together.  We bought him a porch swing (all of us together) so we gave him that and wished him a happy birthday.

The trip seemed to end all too quickly.  On Saturday morning we had to be out of our place.  We went to Heber City and bought donut dogs (remember those?!) and then headed to Lehi for the Bahr Family Reunion.  We ate lunch and the kids played baseball and basketball while the grownups told all about what the families had done the past year.  They had their yearly raffle and that was about it.  Pretty uneventful.  Grandma Griffin is in charge next year and says it will be more exciting.  Maybe back at Capitol Reef or somewhere fun.

Nice job!
We took the scenic route to Park City (picking Bryce up in Circleville and traveling on the east side of the state) and then the scenic drive down from Lehi to Nephi traveling down the west side of Utah lake.  All in all it was pretty pleasant and nice to get away from everything and spend some time with the family.
We stayed up late playing games each night with the boys and that was fun too.  (I missed the first night, too tired...but the 2 and 3 night I stayed up)

Holly & Katie at the outlet mall in Park City
There is a new BBQ joint in Cedar City and Gma and pa met us there -- we were both traveling down at the same time.  That was nice.

Tonight we are heading to Laura's in just a few minutes for a 24th of July dinner complete with sloppy joes and family.   Should be fun.  We have nothing planned for tomorrow which is just what we need!
I need to figure out a way to get things rolling at church again.  We had 2 in YW today (and one is a visitor for the summer).  So sad!  I hope it is just vacation time but attendance has been rather lame lately!  We are doing baptism's on Friday night...and I'm hoping I can find more than 2 member girls to go to that!  Not looking good at the moment!

Oh well, just keep plugging away!

I hope you are having success and your new comp is awesome!  Funny, people keep asking how long you've been out and they are amazed that it's been 9 months already.  Brother Jones asked today if you were still in the MTC...ha!

Shelly & Holly at Olympic Park
Jared Turner gave his farewell today and is heading out next week we think.  Him and his Grandpa spoke.  He sure looks different with short short hair!

Love you lots and hope you are doing great!  Love your pictures and inspiring words!  Love mom.

Andy & Katie


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