This week has been a good one. Monday we got flu shots (fun?!). After work dad had to interview a Desert Hills player so we all went together and I filmed while the girls hung out. Afterward we went and tried a new restaurant Rigatti's Pizza. Turns out it is just like little caesar's and not really a restaurant at all. So we took our pizza to the st george park and ate on a picnic table. The weather was great but we didn't have napkins or drinks so it was a wee bit uncomfortable! Oh well, the girls prefer to wipe their hands on their pants anyway so no harm no foul, right?!
Afterward we went to costco. Dad started feeling sick and was kind icky. He thinks it was from the flu shot. And he was better the next day so probably so.
Tuesday Katie got to go to a swim party for young women's. I worked until 8:30. An interesting trial involving our old neighbor's kid (randall's son David). He lost but the trial lasted 1 1/2 hours. Attorneys!!!! At least it was entertaining and I got tons of work done and off early on Friday!!!
Thursday Katie had volleyball. They lost but the games were super close. One of her teammates got injured on the play before the last play of the last game. So bummer there. I think she turned her ankle or something.
Dad and I are planning an overnight at Bryce Canyon tonight to celebrate our 26th anniversary. Should be fun except poor dad had to work until 4:30 last night and has to be up at 10 a.m. to cover the marathon. He is gonna be tired. Grandma and Grandpa will be up there for an elderhostel so we should get to see them tonight too. They are on a 10 day trip right now.
I hope this email finds you well and happy. The kids have been singing am I a muppet or a man -- said it had some funny meaning with you involved. I don't remember what happended before you left but they sure enjoy singing that one and thinking of you!
Do you need anything? Is it cold and rainy up there yet -- how's the weather? Biking in the rain would be icky. Do you have to do that much? Do you have rain jackets?
Do you go to meeting house for conference or does everybody listen online or how does that work out there? I'm excited to turn in on and clean the garage in a little while. I listen better if I am doing something -- not as likely to doze off!
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