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10/26/14 Busy girls and Lazy man iron man challenge begins

Preparing for the Halloween Party
McKayla, Dallas, Holly, Katie

Another busy week here at the Griffin household.  The girls had Girl Scouts on Monday and our Cadettes made a movie that was kind of cheesy and stupid but they loved doing it and it was fun.  Silly girls!  

Monday's we've been going and doing interviews with dad everyweek and then eating "out" for our pizza somewhere or bringing it back home.  This past week we went to pizza hut (everytime the service is slow, the place is dirty...but the food is SO GOOD we just keep going back!)  We also played pickleball afterward with Katie and Holly.  

Tuesday the girls had piano lessons and then Katie had YW.  Holly and Dad went to a Volleyball game.  Holly is really growing up and starting to really blossom.  She is sounding so good on the piano and actually practicing without too much fight.  She goes and hangs out with Dad at games and seems to enjoy it.  She doesn't have stinky feet anymore because she bathes every day.  It's nice!

Wednesday we started volleyball.  So the girls have practice from 4:30 - 5:30 and 5:30 - 6:30 so our whole afternoon is wiped out with that.  I have piano at 4:30 - 5 or 5:30 ish.  The way they do practice for volleyball I am the coach but they don't use me at the practices usually.  

Thursday we ate dinner and went and played pickleball again.  The courts in town across from rec center had lights that weren't working when they should have.  So we got there and the place was packed.  But the lights didn't come on for about 1/2 hour and it was really hard to see.  So it cleared out nicely. The lights came on and we were able to play for quite awhile.  It was fun.

Friday dad had football games out in Hurricane and me and the girls went to the dollar store to prepare for Holly's class party.  We are doing a Halloween party next Friday with games and treats and stuff.  Should be fun.  

Saturday we had volleyball from 9-12:30 and then at 1 - 3 the girls had a birthday party for Emma Dickey at Laser Mania.  So we went and played pickle ball during the day.  HOT!  Still over 80 here and it was pretty warm playing!   They had a ward party chili cookoff 5-7 last night.  That was pretty fun.  Dad won for how many beans in the jar - bean guessing game AND the hottest chili.  So he got 2 big gourmet flavored popcorn bags as prizes.  Score!  Holly also scored one by being a dirty beggar...(She's like, I'll help you clean up by taking this popcorn off the table for you...sigh!) It worked!

Sad side note...Deloyd Bithell passed away Monday.  I guess he and his family went out deer hunting over the weekend and he had a massive heart attach and died. I just saw him last Thursday and he looked good and seemed fine.  Also he had major health issues many years ago (like 10 ish) and honestly expected him to die back then but he was like the energizer bunny...just kept ticking.  Till now.  He was 72.  Good guy.  I'll miss him.

Today we are on our own for dinner -- Grandma and pa are going to Wendy's house I think.  So we'll have a quiet evening at home tonight.

Dallas and McKayla seem pretty tight.  They aren't gross like he was before.  They don't hang on each other etc.  She is very sweet and helpful and nice.  I've never heard them even argue or fuss at each other. She wants to get married in the temple so hopefully they are behaving when they aren't here. He has been working hard at work and says he is in line for getting full time there and in some type of management position.  He went in and took some video classes Thursday on his day off to prepare.  I don't know how he's doing in school.  He says it is really hard and he doesn't like I guess we'll find out in 6 weeks if he passed or not.

Marcus challenged the family to read the Book of Mormon from start to finish by Christmas (60 day challenge, started yesterday).  I told the girls about it and neither want to do that but they did say they will try to read every day (we were doing good for awhile but lately not so good).  I am going to try but I'm not sure I can do it.  Every time I pick up anything to read lately I fall asleep.  Seriously.  I haven't even been able to read my books that I usually buzz through.

I think the reason is all the pickleball and extra physical activity.  (AJ challenged me to a 30 day lazy iron man competition.  So I've been trying to get 2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles biking and 26 miles running in this month).  I've done 16 laps -- I can't remember how many I need; 45 miles biking and like 4 miles running.  I'm about 1/2 way through that 30 day challenge!)  If I'm really going to do it I probably need to NOT do my usual classes this week and run or swim instead.  And still do spin. I'm right on track to complete the bike section on time.  He gets a t-shirt from BYU if he completes.  He is doing well in the running section but not swimming or biking.

Well I think I've told you more than enough, huh?!

I hope you are doing great.  Your letters sound like you are really getting involved and enjoying things.  That is great!  

I finally got your package sent off Friday so it should be there Monday or Tuesday for you.  I'm so glad you are close so we can send you things.  It's kind of fun.  I have just set up a spot where I put a usps box and throw stuff in it that I think you'd enjoy.

Love you so much and so proud of you.  You are an inspiration to me.  I feel so blessed to call you my son.  

XOXO mom


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