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10/28/12 AJ's coming home!!!!!


Holy Smokes! It's the last email on you mission from your momma! I can hardly believe that we get you back THIS WEEK!!!!  It just doesn't even seem real!

I hope you are enjoying the last little bit of your mission.  Pretty soon it will all be a memory.  (I hope you are writing in your journal...cause you really won't be able to remember a lot of things before long!)  Life is funny that way.

Katie and Holly did the story-telling festival this week.  They were in two different rooms (thank goodness...don't have to worry about one beating the other).  Katie took 3rd place in her room and Holly took 1st place in her room.  Holly goes on to district.  Probably sometime after you get home so you might get to see her story.  She tells the story of the three pigs (um, so did like 5 other kids in her room?!) but it has some interesting twists AND she totally shakes her booty and has some great actions as she tells the story.  She is pretty dang funny.  

Katie and Holly had their first volleyball game yesterday (with their mom as first time coaching anything ever) and they won against one team and lost against the other.  And the ones they lost were pretty close.  It was good.  I am just a coach in name only...they actually have people that run practices and I just help the kids rotate in and out and make sure they have treats after the game.  Katie was kind of the star in one of the games we won.  She got like 8 serves in a row.  Go Katie!  Holly is pretty good at volleyball too.  

Dallas worked a lot this week at Fiesta Fun.  His shifts there are long (6-8 hours) so I think he is feeling it this week.  He doesn't have any shifts next week (was scheduled to work Friday night but got off so he could see his bro come in!)

Bryce started at the city but has only worked one weekend getting trained.  

Dad has been keeping super busy with the website and the mag.  Unfortunately things are not looking good right now for the mag...they didn't get the Utah Co version printed (again) ... that is 2X on the same edition and dad doesn't think he can salvage the stories ... they are getting outdated.  Sigh.  That has been an unneeded stress in his life.  Everybody keeps calling asking when they will get paid and when the mag will be out etc and he just doesn't know.  It would be really nice if they could figure out finances because as you've seen the magazine is pretty awesome...but I'm afraid money management isn't the owner's best it may kill off the mag.

Things have gotten pretty out of control busy at my work too.  Seems that we are getting more and more tickets filed and I'm struggling to keep up with the work load.  The severity of the tickets has also increased and DUI, retail theft, domestic violence...all those type of cases take much longer to handle than a simple speeding or seatbelt ticket so I guess you'd say job security is high right now!

Well I think you will find everything different and everything the same when you get back.  We are in a different house but we are the same people...just older and most of us are bigger and taller!  It is exciting to have you back.  We looked at the weather report in Hong Kong and Manilla and California and it looks like it is going to be sunny and warm everywhere you go including here!  So that is good.  You shouldn't run into any trouble with the weather. The east coast is bracing for what they are calling the frankenstorm...they are saying it is the 100 year storm.  A hurricane and another storm and on track to collide and do some major damage to NJ area if the predictions are right.  They expect all air travel on the east coast to be shut down or delayed tonight and for a day or two.  We shall see if the predictions are right or if it fizzles and goes away.  

We are so excited to get you home and can't wait to see you!  Feel free to leave anything there that is worn out or could be used by another missionary.  We know we will have to do some shopping when you get home!  Probably not worth paying extra baggage fees if it's used up anyway!  I hope your credit card works...have you tried it?

Enjoy the last few days of your once in a life time experience and come home to us safely!  I am so grateful for the amazing example you've been.  You have no idea how many people you have touched on both sides of the world! Love you lots! Mom.


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