Another week in the bag. It feels like we are more busy than ever. I guess that's good...keeping the sisters engaged in good wholesome activities leaves no time or energy for naughtiness!
Monday we went out to Desert Hills for an interview for player of the week. We actually broke tradition and ate at taco time then played pickleball over in Little Valley. The have nice lighted courts so it was good.
Tuesday the family made homemade pizza with some pizza flat bread I had bought. They were yummy and I think they enjoyed making it. I missed out since I was at work until 8:30 but I had leftovers!
Katie's YW did a Halloween party scavenger hunt somehow church related. She had fun. The girls are both doing well with piano. Did I tell you Katie wrote a song and lyrics and sang it and recorded it for reflections contest? It's called Lucky and talks about how fortunate she is to have a good family and home and education etc. Cool, eh?! She has a pretty voice.
Wednesday I had piano lessons and the girls played volleyball practice.
Friday I took off work and went and watched Holly's parade at 9 a.m. (they switched it up, used to be end of the school day). Then we did her party. They had mummy wrap, skeleton relay, bone scavenger hunt, pin the wart on the witch, balloon pop, and monster apple creations. Finished off with bingo and a guess how many bones and skeleton's in a jar game. The kids were a little rowdy when we arrived (gma and pa came too), but by the time we left they had really settled in and were being really good. It was a nice party.
Saturday we had volley ball all morning. Both my teams won a set and lost a set this week. So Holly's team is like 1-3 I'm pretty sure and Katie's is 3-1. Both a fun set of kids. We went rollerskating out in Veyo from 2-4 with girl scouts and then Katie had a birthday party from 6-9 p.m. over at some amazing million dollar home in green valley. WOW. Holly and Dad and I had a quiet evening together. Weird having just 1 kid!
Dallas is busy doing his thing and we really don't see much of him. Seriously days will go by where I might see him for 1 minute in the morning or not at all.
Turn back the clocks today so everyone is getting in their extra hour of sleep. After this week I think it's much needed!
Holly and I read a couple of chapters this week of the book of Mormon but we missed a few mornings too. We will have to try harder next week. Seems like every time I pickup ANY book and read for a minute or two I'm sound asleep.
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